(报告加工时间:2018-01-08 -- 2018-01-21)


  • 中国农业问题报告与分析-第432期
    在日前召开的全国农村集体资产股份权能改革试点工作总结交流会上,农业部副部长叶贞琴透露,下一步农村集体产权改革将集中在三大重点上:一是全面开展清产核资,中央对这项工作有明确的要求,清产核资从今年开始,到 2019年底要基本完成;二是扩大改革试点范围,在前期已经分两批选择 129 个县开展试点的基础上, 2018 年将试点县增加到 300 个,并选择 50 个改革基础较好的地市和个别省开展整省整市试点,力争到 2021 年底基本完成改革;三是通过农村集体产权制度改革,建立健全集体经济组织,创新集体经济运行机制,探索集体经济发展路径。


  • 全球非转基因动物饲料市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The global animal feed market is expected to grow at a stable pace during the forecast period. The increasing awareness of the health benefits of animal feed is driving this market. Also, the increased per capita consumption of meat at a global scale, mostly because of the increase in the overall population, is contributing to the demand for animal feed. The market is also witnessing an increasing demand for feed enzymes. However, the irregular inspection by regulatory authorities of the mixing of feed by farmers acts as the major challenge for the market's growth.
  • 全球挤奶机器人市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Dairy processing equipment utilizes the dairy processing technology and systems for processes, such as homogenization, blending, milking, and filling, and for manufacturing dairy products. In dairy farms, the milking process is of utmost importance as it enables the production of pasteurized milk, cream, cheese, butter, and other milk products. Traditional methods of milking animals involved time and laborintensive manual processes carried out by farm workers. In order to cut down on the production time and with a focus on enhancing the yield of output, dairy farmers are adopting automation technologies, such as milking robots.


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