(报告加工时间:2023-04-23 -- 2023-05-03)



  • 全球棕榈油市场报告按贸易收入和预测(2018-2028年)
    Research process is defined by creating multiple algorithms considering the problem statement, we classify the market into mainly market driven by industry performance, market driven by economic & political performance and market driven by consumer sentiments. Information gathered is evaluated on the above level using our extensive research process and reevaluated to generate better results.
  • 全球树篱修剪器市场展望预测(2022-2027年)
    The global garden hedge trimmers market is growing at a substantial rate due to the increasing demand for equipment from residential and commercial users. The growth in demand is attributed to the expansion of green acreage and is highly influenced by weather conditions. The demand for hedge trimmers surges during the summer and spring months due to the increased time spent on lawncare activities. Moreover, the growing government efforts for the expansion of green acreage through the construction of parks, lawns, and playgrounds are pushing the demand for hedge trimmers in the market. Also, with the rising interest in gardening and lawn care activities, the demand for landscaping services is growing significantly, thereby pushing the demand for equipment from landscaping service providers.
  • 全球动植物油脂行业到2026年
    This data equals output data for the following ISIC Rev. 4 code: 1040 Manufacture of Vegetable and Animal Oils and Fats This class includes: Manufacture of crude vegetable oils: olive oil, soya-bean oil, palm oil, sunflower-seed oil, cotton-seed oil, rape, colza or mustard oil, linseed oil etc. Manufacture of non-defatted flour or meal of oilseeds, oil nuts or oil kernels
  • 全球施肥机市场市场展望预测(2023-2028年)
    The agriculture sector plays a vital role in the development of the global economy. The sector contributes to the economic prosperity of developed countries, such as the US, the UK, and Japan. The agricultural revolution preceded the industrial revolution in developed economies. In developing countries, such as India, China, and sub- Saharan Africa, where the per capita income is low, the emphasis is placed on the development of a strong agriculture sector. The contribution of the secondary and tertiary sectors to the GDP of economies is always high. However, to sustain economic growth, a significant contribution must also come from the primary sector of the economy, i.e., agriculture. The growth of these sectors is not supplementary but complementary.


  • 农林牧渔行业:猪价低位运行,食糖景气价格上行-跟踪报告
  • 基础化工行业:农药,2022年全球创制药农化企业经营情况几何-专题研究
    根据S&P Global 统计,2022 年全球植保行业市场规模同比实现6.2%的增长,销售额达到692.56 亿美元(销售规模采用作物用农药口径,下同)。由于全球对玉米和大豆的持续强劲需求以及俄乌战争对大宗商品的影响,全球植保和种子产品价格上涨,同时销量增加,四大创制药农药企业销售额均实现了大幅增长。先正达(先正达集团,以下简称“先正达”)全年销售额为334亿美元,yoy+19%;拜耳CropScience 部门整体实现营收251.7 亿欧元,yoy+24.6%,其中植保业务营收131.8 亿欧元,yoy+36.3%,种子业务营收92.7亿欧元,yoy+16.2%。科迪华实现收入174.6 亿美元,yoy+11.5%;其中农药业务84.8 亿美元,yoy+16.9%;种子业务89.8 亿美元,yoy+6.9%。巴斯夫Agricultural Solutions 部门实现收入102.8 亿欧元,yoy+26.0%;其中农药业务76.0 亿欧元,yoy+28.8%;种子业务26.8 亿欧元,yoy+18.4%。
  • 农林牧渔行业:猪价小幅回升不改产能去化趋势,重视生猪养殖投资机会
    粮食安全是国家经济社会平稳发展的根基,始终是建设农业强国的头等大事,而种子作为粮食生产的重要媒介,振兴种业是我国要实现粮食安全的重要途径。2023 年一号文件强调全面实施生物育种,有序扩大试点范围,规范种植管理,而两会上多个代表再次提及生物育种。如果今年一季度品种审定名单公示,转基因板块的投资逻辑有望从政策驱动转变为以基本面驱动。随着我国对种业知识产权保护的层层加码和转基因作物商业化,种业竞争格局有望改善,行业集中度提升可期,具有核心育种优势的龙头种企有望快速发展,我们推荐关注具有先发优势和核心育种优势的龙头种企。重点推荐:大北农:转基因性状储备丰富;隆平高科:水稻、玉米种子龙头,参股公司转基因技术领先。
  • 农林牧渔行业:3月白羽鸡价环比延续上涨,黄羽鸡价环比小幅上涨
    3 月白羽鸡价环比延续上涨,黄羽鸡价环比小幅上涨。毛鸡价格:3 月白羽鸡价环比延续上涨,黄羽鸡价格环比小幅上涨。据博亚和讯数据,3 月全国白羽肉鸡销售均价 10.4 元/公斤,环比上涨 0.64 元/公斤,3 月白羽鸡价延续快速抬升态势,已超过去一年内高点。根据新牧网的监测数据,3 月全国慢、中、快速黄羽鸡销售均价分别为 7.48/7.07/6.07 元/斤,分别环比 2 月均价+0.10/+0.51/+0.22 元/斤,黄羽肉鸡价格自年后延续震荡波动态势。

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