(报告加工时间:2016-08-08 -- 2016-08-25)



  • 2011-2015年高效、低能耗污水处理与再生技术开发设备市场评估及2020年综合预测报告
    随着我国工业化和城镇化的推进,日趋严重的水污染不仅降低了水体的使用功能,进一步加剧了水资源短缺的矛盾,对中国正在实施的可持续发展战略带来了严重影响,而且还严重威胁到城市居民的饮水安全和人民健康。因此,尽快提升我国污水处理行业技术和产业化水平,有效遏制水资源污染的状况,是缓解水资源短缺行之有效的方法。目前,我国政府大力推进城市基础设施建设,城市污水收集和污水处理能力都有了较大幅度的增长和提高。发达国家经历了水环境“先污染、后治理”的过程,生活污水处理于上世纪七十年代后迅速发展,到上世纪九十年代末,发达国家平均生活污水处理率已达到 80%以上的较高水平。
  • 互联网引领无人机应用新趋势-高端装备(201607)


  • 全球柴油机市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The diesel engine is an internal combustion engine in which air is compressed inside the cylinder to ignite the fuel. Two main types of diesel engines are available in the market. They are two-stroke and four-stroke engines.
  • 全球诊断穿戴式医疗设备市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Diagnostic wearable medical devices are used to monitor, control, and track an individual's vital signs at regular intervals. These devices are connected to an individual’s body for the measurement of certain physiological information. They are available in the form of eyeglasses, watch, clothing, jewelry, and contact lenses. Diagnostic wearable medical devices monitor physiological data through remote or wireless communication and transmit this information to medical professionals or the user. These are autonomous, non-invasive devices that help assess specific medical functions such as blood pressure, body temperature, respiratory rate, glucose quantity, heart rate, and blood oxygen saturation. These devices also help determine parameters such as the heart rate, muscle activity, and calories burned during exercise and activities such as walking and jogging.
  • 全球便携式水净化系统市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The purpose of water-treatment is to adopt environment-friendly ways to convert used water into reusable water. The process of recycling involves the use of chemicals for the treatment of water, and if the water is exposed to these chemicals for an extended period, it can lead to heath issues. Therefore, an increase in awareness has led to the use water purification systems, which are efficient and scalable when bringing the quality of drinking water up to that of bottled water.
  • 全球安检系统市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Prior to the deployment of security screening systems in the 1990s, major end-users had employed handheld detectors and the physical checking of people, which required staff with proper training and skills. This led to more waiting time in queues, especially in airports, metro stations, and bus stations. Also, the traditional screening process had flaws due to human errors. Such errors are likely to cause risks such as terrorist attacks and illegal activities, leading to unrest in nations. Therefore, the use of the latest technologies in security screening gained prominence in order to enhance customer experience and increase the security and safety of people and assets. Advanced security technologies are more effective and efficient in detecting
  • 全球打桩设备市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The mining and construction equipment industries are cyclical in nature due to high sales growth during the boom years and decrease in sales during economic slowdowns and downturns. Many factors such as housing starts, consumer confidence, and prices of commodities affect the growth of the industry.
  • 全球潜水设备市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Underwater diving using self-contained underwater breathing apparatus and other equipment is known as scuba diving. The global scuba diving equipment market declined by approximately 30% during the economic recession of 2009; however, it has recovered since then and is expected to register an increased demand for innovative and reliable scuba diving equipment during the forecast period. The market is highly competitive with the presence of several vendors supplying specialized diving gear with innovative features.

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