(报告加工时间:2020-02-17 -- 2020-02-23)


  • 行业月度报告-高端装备201912
    高端装备制造业绩效保持增长,1~12 月,营业收入同比增长4.5%,利润总额同比增长11.9%。同期,高端装备相关行业投资继续下降,铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业投资同比下降2.5%。智能制造方面,12 月,工业机器人产量同比增长15.3%,延续上月增长态势。
  • 2018-2019年中国智能家居市场研究年度报告
    中国经济企稳运行、人民生活水平不断提高、政策环境不断优化为智能家居产业发展的长期向好夯实了基础。总 体而言,2018年我国智能家居市场继续保持稳定增长的良好态势,未来3年年均复合增长率有望超过 20%。与 此同时,智能家居行业逐步从单品自动化控制向系统级家庭网络过度,用户需求进一步聚焦,产品集成度进一步 提高,解决方案更多以场景联动的方式落地。赛迪顾问认为,连接依然是未来智能家居发展的主题,5G技术的大规模普及将极大程度提升连接属性,提高产品性能。另外,随着人工智能、大数据、云计算等技术的不断突破, 给予智能家居产业更大的发展空间,终端设备具备语音交互能力成为行业重要发展趋势。未来,在用户需求尚未 完全激发和解决的背景以及地产数字化转型的影响下,智能家居以前装形式嵌入家庭住宅已成趋势,并主动培养 用户使用习惯,促进各方共同发展。同时,伴随着大范围智能场景的落地,智能家居将与智慧社区深度对接,依托云平台采集数据,完成由硬件供应向提供软件运营服务角色的升级转变。
  • 行业月度报告-工程机械201912
    2019 年12 月,工业生产增速回升,工程机械主要产品产量增速趋于稳定;八大产品总销量大幅增长,市场需求旺盛;1~11 月,进口持续下降,降幅有所收窄;出口总体趋稳;行业利润总额增长25.56%,营业收入增长12.57%
  • 行业月度报告-家电201912
    1~12月,我国限额以上家电企业商品零售额9138.7亿元,同比增长5.6%。1~12 月,空调产量增速回升,彩电市场持续走低,冰洗产量增长较快。房地产交易相对低迷,家电消费依然面临需求疲软约束。进出口方面,彩电累计进出口额双双下滑,空调进出口额继续分化。12月,家用电器及音像器材零售价格指数98.24,环比回落0.03点,已有企稳迹象。
  • 2018-2019年中国智能制造系统集成市场研究年度报告
    智能制造系统集成行业的发展是推动我国制造业转型升级的关键,近年来,我国发展先进制造业的政策不断出台,为智能制造系统集成行业发展提供了有力的政策支持。随着全球制造业双向回流进程的加速推进,我国制造业转型升级和提质增效迫在眉睫,也促进了国内智能制造系统集成市场的快速发展。2018 年我国本土市场虽然还是由西门子、GE、罗克韦尔、施耐德等几家国际龙头企业占据大部分市场份额,但是诸如和利时、浙江中控、东方国信和昆仑数据等多家企业均呈现快速发展态势,成为国内市场中的有力竞争者。赛迪顾问认为,国内智能制造系统集成市场正在蓬勃发展,商业模式正在逐步清晰,聚焦于细分行业的系统集成商将成为市场的主流,与此同时,随着国家政策的大力推进以及资本市场的进一步助力,我国智能制造系统集成市场将会持续保持高速增长。
  • 2018-2019年中国动力电池市场研究年度报告
    在终端需求带动下,2018 年全球动力电池装机量继续保持强劲增长态势,中国继续成为全球最大的动力电池市场。新技术、新体系电池推广应用较为缓慢,三元电池、磷酸铁锂电池依然是市场首要选择。未来中国动力电池市场将继续保持高速增长,但受政策调整、市场开放等因素影响,中国国内市场竞争进一步加剧,动力电池盈利能力显著下降,动力电池产业进入高质量发展阶段。赛迪顾问认为,动力电池及新能源汽车产业利润率降低将成为常态,未来将会逐渐接近制造业普通水平。面对激烈市场竞争,国内动力电池企业应加快新技术开发应用,提升自身生产制造水平,以增强自身核心竞争力,同时布局新体系电池,为未来5-10 年企业发展做好准备。
  • 行业月度报告-机械201912
     1~11月,机械工业重点联系企业累计订货额同比下降2.75%,降幅较1~10月(-4.7%)收窄1.95 个百分点;全国规上机械工业企业营业收入193361.93 亿元,同比增长2.57%,较全国工业低1.84个百分点;利润总额11755.52 亿元,同比下降2.75%,降幅虽较全国工业低0.64个百分点,但较1~10月收窄0.62个百分点;截至12月份,机械工业产品产量增减不一,增长产品数量有所改善,仍在增长的产品多数增速回落;受中美贸易摩擦影响,机械行业主要产品进出口额同比负增长,本月降幅大都有所收窄;机械工业主要涉及的五个国民经济行业大类固定资产投资增长较弱。
  • 2018-2019年中国人工智能市场研究年度报告
    2018 年中国人工智能市场规模继续保持稳定增长,整体市场规模达到383.8 亿元,同比增长27.6%。不论是从智能硬件层面还是智能软件层面,中国人工智能市场规模均呈现上涨态势。伴随各大互联网巨头与人工智能创新独角兽在人工智能生态链的积极布局,人工智能向平台化和产品化演进。相关周边产业可以在人工智能平台的基础上寻找适用于企业自身的人工智能解决方案。人工智能平台建设推动了人工智能技术向相关产业的交叉延伸。同时,伴随人工智能芯片行业的迅速发展,人工智能正在向产品化推进。赛迪顾问认为,边缘计算与5G 技术的发展将给人工智能产业带来新的变革,促进人工智能生态体系快速发展。


  • 非接触式温度计市场全球展望和预测(2019-2024年)
    The global healthcare industry comprises different players, including hospitals, physicians, diagnostic laboratories, pharmacies, payers, nursing homes, medical device manufacturers, and other components of the healthcare system. The aging population across the globe and the increasing prevalence of acute and chronic diseases are the fundamental drivers that are creating a demand for various healthcare services, medical equipment, and supplies. Arizton anticipates that there would be a huge demand for various medical devices in the coming years.
  • 全球变频驱动器市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    A variable frequency drive (VFD) is a motor controller that drives an electric motor by varying the frequency and voltage of its power supply. The VFD also has the ability to control ramp-up and ramp- down of the motor during start or stop, respectively. Even though the drive controls the voltage and frequency of power supplied to the motor, it is often referred to as speed control, since the result is an adjustment of the motor speed. Additionally, the advanced and modern drives integrate the networking and diagnostic capabilities into better performance and increased productivity. Intelligent motor control, energy savings, and reduction of peak-current drawn are some of the major reasons to choose a VFD as the controller in every motor- driven system. Increased investments from several global VFD vendors (especially in R&D) have allowed them to further the technology and prompt the growth of the variable frequency drives market. The investment in the Asia-Pacific region has been higher, owing to the opportunities arising from relatively higher infrastructure and economic development in the region.
  • 全球浸没式冷却技术市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The concept of liquid immersion cooling has been familiar in the global IT infrastructure market for a long time now. High-performance computing (HPC) operators, such as Intel, have been experimenting and using the technology since 2012. However, the recent surge in data center construction activity, majorly targeted to serve high traffic zones with minimum latency, has forced data center operators to expand beyond a suitable environment into complex urban facilities. This increases the demand for server cooling technology, which is expected to witness the environmental and space constraints posed by traditional air cooling and liquid cooling practices. The increasing need for solutions that could reduce the physical footprint the data center and accommodate high density operations at the same time has bolstered the demand for immersion cooling.
  • 全球多层陶瓷电容器(MLCC)市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    Multilayer ceramic capacitors were first developed in the 1970s and 1980s, but their widespread adoption was possible in the last decade with the development of new dielectric materials and fabrication methods. The MLCC (Multilayer ceramic capacitors) possess unique characteristics like flexibility in size or shape, low cost, ability to withstand high voltages and are considered to most reliable. However, the most crucial characteristic that resulted in their widespread adoption was their ability to pack multiple components into a single package. Each MLCC has hundreds of layers and each layer acts as a separate component. This eliminated the use of additional components in the circuitry. MLCC were at the center of all the technological innovations that happened in the last decade, and they can be considered to be one of the en ablers of new innovations in consumer el ectronics, telecommunications, and energy storage.


  • 电气设备行业:氢能源系列报告五:拥有一台燃料电池车要花多少钱?

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