(报告加工时间:2013-11-18 -- 2013-12-01)



  • 2013年11月(上半月)电力行业要闻综述
  • 行业季度报告——电力2013年3季度
    2013 年前三季度,国民经济运行总体平稳,全国电力供需总体平衡,迎峰度夏安全稳定。从电力消费端来看,用电量是观测经济“冷暖”的重要指标。受经济回升向好拉动,2013 年5 月份以来,我国全社会用电量数据持续回升。1~9 月份,全国全社会用电量39452亿千瓦时,同比增长7.2%,增速比上年同期提高2.4 个百分点。尽管9 月份用电量增速与上月比有所放缓,但仍为年内次高,说明我国经济回暖态势进一步巩固。电力消费结构继续优化,四大高载能行业用电占比下降。第二产业用电量同比增长6.5%,占全社会用电量比重同比降低0.55 个百分点,降幅比上半年扩大0.33 个百分点。
  • 新一轮煤炭价格持续下跌原因、走势及对策
  • 能源竞争情报——第470期
  • 2013年3季度电力行业分析报告
  • 新能源——第328期
  • 电力——第467期
  • 石化和化学工业“十二五”发展规划
    在国民经济中占有十分重要的地位。“十二五”是国民经济发展的重要战略机遇期,也是石化和化学工业发展的关键时期。为适应国内外形势新变化,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,加快转变发展方式,促进石化和化学工业转型升级,提高行业整体质量和效益,增强国际竞争力和可持续发展能力,特编制本规划。规划期为2011-2015 年。本规划内容包括石油化工、天然气化工、煤化工、盐化工和生物化工等。本规划依据《国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》、《工业转型升级规划(2011-2015 年)》编制,是引导市场主体行为、配置政府公共资源以及制定相关政策的重要依据,是指导石化和化学工业未来五年持续健康发展的行动纲领。本规划配套发布《烯烃工业“十二五”发展规划》、《危险化学品“十二五”发展布局规划》、《化肥工业“十二五”发展规划》、《农药工业“十二五”发展规划》四个子规划。
  • 太阳能光伏产业“十二五”发展规划


  • 美国住宅便携式发电机市场报告(2012-2016年)
    An electric generator is a device that produces electrical energy through the conversion of mechanical energy using fuels. Depending on the capacity, generators can be used in industries, commercial buildings or residential buildings. They ensure that end-users receive a continuous and uninterruptable electric power supply during power disruptions. Generators can be segmented into two major segments based on their portability: portable generators and stationary generators. Portable generators are those generators that can be easily moved from one place to other, and they usually provide a power output of between 500 W and 18 kW. They are widely used in residential applications.
  • 全球TD设备市场报告(2014-2018年)
    T&D equipment is an electrical device that enables transferring energy from one place to another. T&D equipment includes a power cable, switch gear and control gear, and transformers. These products are widely used in many power grid or distribution systems. The Power industry and the Construction and Engineering industries are the major end-users of T&D equipment.The Global T&D Equipment market generates a large part of its revenue from the APAC region, followed by the EMEA region. In 2013, the market generated 43.24 percent of its revenue from the APAC region. The Global T&D Equipment market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.45 percent during the period 2014-2018.
  • 全球海底光缆市场报告(2012-2016年)
    This report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the Global Submarine Fiber Cable market for the period 2012-2016. The report also presents the vendor landscape based on submarine fiber cable services and solutions provided by vendors. It also includes a corresponding detailed analysis of the top eight submarine fiber cable vendors present in the Global Submarine Fiber Cable market. In addition, the report discusses the major drivers that influence the growth of the market. It also outlines the challenges faced by the vendors and the market at large, and the key trends emerging in the market.
  • 全球废热发电设备市场报告(2012-2016年)
    Cogeneration is a method by which useful heat and electricity can be generated simultaneously from a single fuel source, thereby drastically increasing the total efficiency of the system. During electricity production in a power station, a lot of heat is generated that is generally discarded. In a cogeneration system, the heat generated is captured and supplied to buildings that are situated in the vicinity of the power plant. Cogeneration technology was invented a very long time ago, but it has come into use in the last decade due to the mounting global energy crisis.The Global Cogeneration Equipment market is expected to grow at a steady rate during the period 2012-2016. In 2012, the market generated a major part of its revenue from the APAC region, followed by the Americas and the EMEA region. Moreover, the market generated a large part of its revenue from developing countries compared to developed countries. The Global Cogeneration Equipment market was mainly driven by the Chemical and Commercial/Institutional industries. Overall, the market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.4 percent during the forecast period.

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