(报告加工时间:2024-04-28 -- 2024-05-06)


  • 新能源产业趋势跟踪(24年4月上):新兴市场的电池需求有望逐步打开


  • 全球中央吸尘系统市场报告展望预测(2024-2029年)
    Central vacuum systems have become crucial in various industries, offering a multitude of benefits that significantly impact operational efficiency, maintenance, and overall environmental cleanliness. In large industrial facilities, particularly those in the chemical industry, the installation of industrial-grade central vacuum systems addresses the challenges posed by outgassing during manufacturing processes. These systems are vital in handling and mitigating the release of gases, ensuring a cleaner and more sterile environment that is conducive to smooth operations.
  • 全球澳大利亚机载吊舱市场报告2030年
    The airborne pods are an external pod structure primarily fabricated to offer enhanced aerial recognition, identification, communication, targeting, data linking, and self-defensive potentials to an aircraft. High-end airborne pods with a wide range of advanced sensors and laser technologies can operate in extreme weather conditions, which is also one of the prime factors boosting the application of airborne pods in advanced fighter jets, aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, and helicopters. The changing modern warfare scenario has forced governments of various countries across the globe to allocate substantial funds and financial aid toward respective defense and military forces. The growing defense expenditure budget indicates the government's emphasis and importance on modernizing the defense sector to meet the mounting need for security, which is one of the major market drivers.
  • 全球加拿大冷水机组市场报告到2030年
    Chillers provide cooling in residential, industrial, and commercial places. Chillers provides air conditioning in buildings with the use of chilled water. Roof top chillers usually are air cooled whereas basement chillers are water cooled. The rising humidity concerns in both developed and developing countries, and surging demand for air conditioning systems for safety and comfort are boosting developments in the Chiller market across the world. HVAC chillers are widely used across the industries such as pharmaceuticals, electronics & semiconductors, aerospace & defense, food & beverages, cold storage, turbine, and leather. Thus, increased preference for district cooling systems in industries and high-rise buildings is a major factor boosting the Chillers market growth. Moreover, rising adoption of HVAC chillers in commercial spaces and residential sector, growing disposable income and rapid pace of urbanization, and continuous proliferation of tourism industries in different regions contribute to the Chillers market growth. The construction of new hotels and public infrastructure adds to the demand for HVAC chillers.
  • 全球中国机载吊舱市场报告2030年
    The airborne pods are an external pod structure primarily fabricated to offer enhanced aerial recognition, identification, communication, targeting, data linking, and self-defensive potentials to an aircraft. High-end airborne pods with a wide range of advanced sensors and laser technologies can operate in extreme weather conditions, which is also one of the prime factors boosting the application of airborne pods in advanced fighter jets, aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, and helicopters. The changing modern warfare scenario has forced governments of various countries across the globe to allocate substantial funds and financial aid toward respective defense and military forces. The growing defense expenditure budget indicates the government's emphasis and importance on modernizing the defense sector to meet the mounting need for security, which is one of the major market drivers.
  • 全球巴西冷水机组市场报告2030年
    Chillers provide cooling in residential, industrial, and commercial places. Chillers provides air conditioning in buildings with the use of chilled water. Roof top chillers usually are air cooled whereas basement chillers are water cooled. The rising humidity concerns in both developed and developing countries, and surging demand for air conditioning systems for safety and comfort are boosting developments in the Chiller market across the world. HVAC chillers are widely used across the industries such as pharmaceuticals, electronics & semiconductors, aerospace & defense, food & beverages, cold storage, turbine, and leather. Thus, increased preference for district cooling systems in industries and high-rise buildings is a major factor boosting the Chillers market growth. Moreover, rising adoption of HVAC chillers in commercial spaces and residential sector, growing disposable income and rapid pace of urbanization, and continuous proliferation of tourism industries in different regions contribute to the Chillers market growth. The construction of new hotels and public infrastructure adds to the demand for HVAC chillers.
  • 全球加拿大机载吊舱市场报告到2030年
    The airborne pods are an external pod structure primarily fabricated to offer enhanced aerial recognition, identification, communication, targeting, data linking, and self-defensive potentials to an aircraft. High-end airborne pods with a wide range of advanced sensors and laser technologies can operate in extreme weather conditions, which is also one of the prime factors boosting the application of airborne pods in advanced fighter jets, aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, and helicopters. The changing modern warfare scenario has forced governments of various countries across the globe to allocate substantial funds and financial aid toward respective defense and military forces. The growing defense expenditure budget indicates the government's emphasis and importance on modernizing the defense sector to meet the mounting need for security, which is one of the major market drivers.
  • 全球澳大利亚冷水机组市场报告到2030年
    Chillers provide cooling in residential, industrial, and commercial places. Chillers provides air conditioning in buildings with the use of chilled water. Roof top chillers usually are air cooled whereas basement chillers are water cooled. The rising humidity concerns in both developed and developing countries, and surging demand for air conditioning systems for safety and comfort are boosting developments in the Chiller market across the world. HVAC chillers are widely used across the industries such as pharmaceuticals, electronics & semiconductors, aerospace & defense, food & beverages, cold storage, turbine, and leather.
  • 全球中国冷水机市场报告2030年
    Chillers provide cooling in residential, industrial, and commercial places. Chillers provides air conditioning in buildings with the use of chilled water. Roof top chillers usually are air cooled whereas basement chillers are water cooled. The rising humidity concerns in both developed and developing countries, and surging demand for air conditioning systems for safety and comfort are boosting developments in the Chiller market across the world. HVAC chillers are widely used across the industries such as pharmaceuticals, electronics & semiconductors, aerospace & defense, food & beverages, cold storage,
  • 全球电动舷外发动机市场报告展望预测(2024-2029年)
    Boating enthusiasts are increasingly opting for electric outboard motors, signifying a notable shift from low-powered alternatives to traditional gasoline outboards. Advances in battery technology, motor efficiency, and a growing demand for ecofriendly boating options are propelling this transformation. The future of electric outboard motors appears promising due to technological progress, allowing these motors to match the power output of conventional gasoline counterparts. Key reasons for their surging popularity include zero emissions, minimal noise, and the convenience of avoiding concerns such as gas refills and engine maintenance.


  • 人形机器人深度报告:具身智能奇点渐进,产业链有望重构
    [大模型的演化经]历了从单模态到多模态,再到世界模型、AGI 的过程,而具身智能是 AI 模型演进的关键节点。随着通用基础模型的不断进化,具身智能的时间节点即将到来。特斯拉、谷歌、OpenAI、英伟达等巨头分别从硬件、软件、芯片和中间件入手布局人形机器人领域。总体来看,可以将其分为自下而上和自上而下两条路径。两方从硬件降本和机器人大脑两个核心痛点出发,发挥各自优势,占据市场领先地位。
  • 2024 年2月我国新能源汽车销量 47.7万辆,碳酸锂价格上涨
    2 月,我国新能源汽车销量 47.7 万辆,同比-9.2%。据中汽协数据,2 月全国新能源车产销略有下降,分别完成 46.4 万辆和 47.7 万辆,分别同比-16%和-9.2%,市占率达到 30.1%。分动力来源来看,插电式混合动力汽车 2 月产销同比大幅增长。根据中汽协数据,2 月纯电动汽车产量为 28 万辆,同比-28%,销量 29.4 万辆,同比-21.8%。2 月插电式混动汽车产量为 18.3 万辆,同比+12.5%,销量为 18.3 万辆,同比+22.4%。2 月燃料电池汽车产量 0.03 万量,同比+187%,销量 0.02 万辆,同比+370%。
  • 白电的长期定价逻辑是否已经改变?
    家电行业因为已度过高速发展期,过去 3 年并未获得市场青睐(尤其是大白电)。2024 年年初以来,家电板块呈现出持续上涨的行情,背后原因既有基本面驱动,也有市场风格变化。那么,此刻家电估值已经到位了吗?未来我们该如何看待家电板块的行情演绎?目光转向海外,可以发现全球成熟消费品公司估值仍然维持高位,我们不禁需要思考:虽已步入成熟阶段,但依靠产品升级和出海仍能维持稳健增长,竞争格局稳定,能够维持高分红水平的家电资产,未来能否得到价值的重估?
  • 如何看待本轮美国家电零售的补库需求?
    2020 年以来美国家电零售库存经历了一轮完整的库存周期,当前或正处于新一轮库存周期的开端。2015-2019 年期间美国家具家电零售商库存绝对值保持稳定,2020 年至今受全球公共卫生事件、地缘政治冲突等多因素影响,美国零售库存经历了完整的一个库存周期,自 23H2 起至今,家电零售同比出现抬头趋势,而库存仍在缓慢消化,正处于“被动去库”阶段。随着海外订单的不断交付入库,美国零售商库存有望起底回升,或正向下一轮“主动补库”阶段过渡,开启新一轮库存周期。

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