(报告加工时间:2014-11-17 -- 2014-11-23)



  • 电子商务-第036期


  • 全球VoLTE的市场报告(2014-2018年)
    VoLTE is technology that enables voice calls over an LTE network, as opposed to the earlie technology that supported voice calls over 2G and 3G networks. This is quite similar to VoIP that is used to support voice calls over a broadband connection. Unlike VoIP, which sends voice over circuit-switched networks, VoLTE sends voice calls over IP-based LTE networks. It harnesses the excellent data capabilities of LTE with revenue-generating traditional voice services onto the same LTE network. The idea is based on converting voice signals into packet data, transferring it over the broadband network, and finally reconverting packet data back into voice signals.Currently, operators are running both voice and data over two distinct networks. VoLTE enables them to merge both, which results in better quality and efficiency. Currently, VoLTE is the most important application of the LTE mobile network in the Telecom industry.
  • 全球通信电源系统市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Power systems are used in all telecommunication installations. These systems are made up of a combination of smaller systems such as converters, distributors, controllers, and backup systems that are available with different technical specifications. These systems offer DC and AC backup for various indoor and outdoor applications. The primary applications of telecom power systems is in wireless and fixed-line environments. Moreover, they are also used in several other related applications including network equipment, xDSL terminal s, mobile broadband, cellular sites, and transmission applications. Hence, these systems are used effectively for controlling, monitoring, and measuring the flow of power across the telecom network.
  • 全球智能电网管理服务市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Smart grid managed services refer to the synchronization of various smart grid software and hardware technologies and their related operational services such as deployment of smart meters and AMIs and integration of renewable energy with smart grids. These smart grid services are offered to various end-users such as power utilities and IPPs. Smart grid technology enables two-way communication between the utilities and their customers. Deployment of smart grid technologies requires a major operational change because it involves the integration of various advanced technologies with smart grids. Some of these technologies are T&D automation, wired and wireless communication, high-voltage transmission lines, demand response solutions, and home energy management applications.


  • 非惯性系下舰载稳定平台动力学建模及特性分析
  • 基于信息增益一致性的多机器人地图融合算法
  • 创建软件定义网络中的进程级纵深防御体系结构
  • 云平台下基于粗糙集的并行增量知识更新算法
    日益复杂和动态变化的海量数据处理,是当前人们普遍关注的问题,其核心内容之一是研究如何利用已有的信息实现快速的知识更新.粒计算是近年来新兴起的一个研究领域,是信息处理的一种新的概念和计算范式,主要用于描述和处理不确定的、模糊的、不完整的和海量的信息及提供一种基于粒和粒间关系的问题求解方法.作为粒计算理论中的一个重要组成部分,粗糙集是一种处理不确定性和不精确性问题的有效数学工具.根据云计算中的并行模型MapReduce,给出了并行计算粗糙集中等价类、决策类和两者之间相关性的算法;然后,设计了用于处理大规模数据的并行粗糙近似集求解算法.为应对动态变化的海量数据,结合 MapReduce 模型和增量更新方法,根据不同的增量策略,设计了两种并行增量更新粗糙近似集的算法.实验结果表明,该算法可以有效地快速更新知识;而且数据量越大,效果越明显.


  • 基于CFD的载荷及温室热风供暖系统的温度分布模拟
    A greenhouse heating mode was proposed in this paper in order to reduce energy consumption and increase the efficiency of heating system for greenhouse.Considering experimental greenhouse practical operating conditions and various environmental factors, a warm air heating system, with heat source of biomass boilers, end heat abstractor of fan coils, was designed and some winter heating experiments was conducted.With the CFD method, the modelling of thermal environment inside the greenhouse in winter night was realized, temperature variation and distribution was simulated by STAR-CCM+.The simulation results were compared with experimental temperatures at the key positions in the greenhouse, and indicated that temperature errors of the monitoring points were less than 2K, relative error less than 8%, calculated root-mean-square error was 0.47K.Thus the validity of proposed model was certified.

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