(报告加工时间:2022-06-27 -- 2022-07-03)



  • 全球变速箱销售创新市场预测报告 (2022-2028年)
    Establishments described in this report are primarily participating in the transmission sales market.
  • 全球超滤创新市场预测报告 (2022-2028年)
    Establishments described in this report are primarily participating in the ultrafiltration market. Ultrafiltration is a variety of membrane filtration in which forces like pressure or concentration gradients lead to a separation through a semipermeable membrane. Suspended solids and solutes of high molecular weight are retained in the so-called retentate, while water and low molecular weight solutes pass through the membrane in the permeate.
  • 全球热陶瓷创新市场预测报告(2022-2028年)
    Establishments described in this report are primarily participating in the thermal ceramics market. Thermal ceramics, scientifically known as UHTCs or ultra-high temperature ceramics, are a type of refractory ceramics that provide durability at temperatures beyond 2000 degrees Celsius.
  • 全球同步冷凝器创新市场预测报告 (2022-2028年)
    Establishments described in this report are primarily participating in the synchronous condenser market. In electrical engineering, a synchronous condenser is a DC-excited synchronous motor, whose shaft is not connected to anything but spins freely. Its purpose is not to convert electric power to mechanical power or vice versa, but to adjust conditions on the electric power transmission grid.
  • 全球滤水器创新市场预测报告(2022-2028年)
    Establishments described in this report are primarily participating in the voice biometrics market. Voice biometrics is the science of using a person's voice as a uniquely identifying biological characteristic in order to authenticate them. ... Voice biometrics also improves the customer experience by removing frustration associated cumbersome login processes and lost and stolen credentials.


  • 家电行业:平淡之下不乏亮点,618有望成家电行业全年业绩拐点-618大促点评
    传统大电表现低迷,厨电龙头份额提升。根据魔镜市场情报数据,空调、冰箱、洗衣机618大促销售额分别为35/23/14 亿元,同比-19%/+2%/-11%。传统白电企业方面,美的、海尔、格力销售额分别同比-11%/-10%/-29%,整体表现较为低迷。消费升级趋势下,烘干机品类异军突起,烘干机、洗烘套装销售额分别为0.8/7 亿元,同比+39%/+75%,其中小天鹅洗烘套装单品连续3 年全网销额第一。相较欧美市场,烘干机在中国市场普及度仍然较低,市场发展空间巨大。厨电领域,老板电器销售额同比+32%,进一步稳固厨房大电龙头地位。集成灶龙头维持较高景气度, 亿田/美大/ 帅丰销售额分别同比+64%/+29%/+7%;火星人则在集成灶、集成洗碗机品类全网销额均位列第一。

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