(报告加工时间:2023-07-24 -- 2023-08-06)



  • 全球超声波设备的预测不包括医疗和牙科(2024-2029年)
    Equipment Type: Ultrasonic equipment, excluding medical and dental Industry: All other electrical equipment and component manufacturing The equipment described in this report are primarily defined by its title since the title is generally long and includes most of the criteria used to differentiate the equipment from other similar equipment. The equipment descriptions are sourced from the U.S. Census. Additionally descriptions can be collected from the manufacturing industry descriptions that each equipment is categorized. The U.S. Census manufacturing industry descriptions for equipment are listed below
  • 全球盐水泻药预测报告(2024-2029年)
    Material Type: Saline laxatives Industry: Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing The Material described in this report are primarily defined by its title since the title is generally long and includes most of the criteria used to differentiate the Material from other similar Material. The Material descriptions are sourced from the U.S. Census. Additionally descriptions can be collected from the manufacturing industry descriptions that each Material is categorized. The U.S. Census manufacturing industry descriptions for Material are listed below
  • 全球兽用杀寄生虫剂预测报告(2024-2029年)
    Material Type: Veterinary parasiticides, external Industry: Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing The Material described in this report are primarily defined by its title since the title is generally long and includes most of the criteria used to differentiate the Material from other similar Material. The Material descriptions are sourced from the U.S. Census. Additionally descriptions can be collected from the manufacturing industry descriptions that each Material is categorized. The U.S. Census manufacturing industry descriptions for Material are listed below
  • 全球外用抗生素制剂预测报告(2024-2029年)
    Material Type: Topical antibiotic preparations Industry: Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing The Material described in this report are primarily defined by its title since the title is generally long and includes most of the criteria used to differentiate the Material from other similar Material. The Material descriptions are sourced from the U.S. Census. Additionally descriptions can be collected from the manufacturing industry descriptions that each Material is categorized. The U.S. Census manufacturing industry descriptions for Material are listed below
  • 全球个人驱虫剂、气雾剂预测(2024-2029年)
    Material Type: Personal insect repellents, aerosols Industry: Pesticide and other agricultural chemical manufacturing The Material described in this report are primarily defined by its title since the title is generally long and includes most of the criteria used to differentiate the Material from other similar Material. The Material descriptions are sourced from the U.S. Census. Additionally descriptions can be collected from the manufacturing industry descriptions that each Material is categorized. The U.S. Census manufacturing industry descriptions for Material are listed below


  • 湃肽生物,多肽“专精特精小巨人,化妆品原料与医药领域双轮驱动发展
  • 医药生物行业:原料药市场价格总体平稳,烟酸价格环比下降
    大宗原料药中,维生素类:维生素D3 5月价格为59元/千克(同比-23.9%),泛酸钙价格为120元/千克(同比-70.7%),叶酸价格为200元/千克(同比-25.9%),生物素价格为41元/千克(同比-28.7%),维生素B1价格为115元/千克(同比-24.6%),维生素B6价格为130元/千克(同比+2%); 抗生素及中间体类:6-APA 5月价格为370元/千克(同比+8.8%),硫气酸红霉素价格为500元/千克(同比-1%),7-ACA价格为450元/千克(同比-10%),青霉素工业盐价格为170元/BOU(同比-20%); 激素类:皂素 5月价格为500元/千克(同比无变化),地塞米松磷酸钠价格为9750元/千克(同比-11.4%); 解热镇痛药类:布洛芬5月价格为190元/千克(同比+7%),安乃近价格为101.5元/千克(同比+6.8%),阿司匹林价格为27元/千克(同比-23.9%),扑热息痛价格为45元/千克(同比-27.4%),咖啡因价格为170元/千克(同比-27.7%); 特色原料药中,肝素及其盐:5月价格为9575.5美元/千克(同比-20.9%); 心血管原料药类:沙坦 5月价格为735元/千克(同比+17.6%),阿托伐他汀钙价格为1525元/千克(同比+1.7%),厄贝沙坦价格为635元/千克(同比-0.8%),马来酸依那普利价格为825元/千克,赖诺普利价格为2400元/千克,均在近一年内价格无变化。培南类: 4-AA 5月价格为1375元/千克(同比-23.6%)。
  • K药、O药专利纠纷全梳理-医药专利系列研究(一)
    沙东(又名默克,MSD)是全球制药巨头之一,总部位于美国新泽西州,是一家以科研为本,致力于研究、开发和销售创新医药产品的跨国制药公司。默沙东引领多维度医疗领域新药研发,其业务范围覆盖了肿瘤、疫苗、传染病、心血管疾病、动物保健等多个疾病领域;其中在疫苗领域更是与葛兰素史克(GSK)、赛诺菲、辉瑞并称“全球四大疫苗巨头”。默沙东研发的药物在全球市场广泛销售和使用,代表产品包括抗肿瘤领域的 PD-1 靶向抑制剂(帕博丽珠单抗,K 药)、疫苗领域的宫颈癌疫苗和乙肝疫苗、肝癌领域的仑伐替尼、卵巢癌领域的利普卓、以及抗传染病领域的埃博拉疫苗和新冠药物新冠口服药等。  
  • 医药行业:医药否极泰来?详解结构机会
    上周医药继续跑输大盘,情绪已达冰点,成交量占比多天降至4%以下。从细分领域上看,前期调然较多的 CXO、医疗服务和生物制品相对强势,而前期强势的中药、器械和商业持续调整,且呈现发布业绩预增、风格极致化、表现亦呈现高低切换的态势。我们认为情绪上的冰点、风格的极致化,或启示医药行业或即将否极泰来,如本周专题分析,我们认为医药当前的赔率和胜率都很高,值得重点配置。当前策略角度我们认为需要: 1) 淡化指数,结构行情:2) 高低切换,放弃成见;3) 紧跟政策,重药轻医。
  • 医药行业:医药持仓持续分化-2023Q2持仓分析
    23Q2全部公募基金占比11.70%,环比+0.04pp;剔除主动医药基金占比8.54%,环比+0.30pp;再剔 除指数基金占比7.60%,环比+0.18pp;申万医药板块市值占比为7.47%,环比-0.42pp;
  • 医药生物行业:《2022_年全国医疗保障事业发展统计公报》发布,建议关注创新药板块
    国家医保局发布《2022 年全国医疗保障事业发展统计公报》,2022年,全国基本医疗保险 (含生育保险) 基金总收入 30,922.17 亿元比上年增长 7.6%: 全国基本医疗保险 (含生育保险) 基金总支出24.597.24 亿元,比上年增长 2.3%。在集采控费的背景下,医保基金仍保持增长态势。医保局正式发布《谈判药品续约规则》及《非独家药品竞价规则》,和征求意见稿基本一致,创新药支付端边际明显改善。2023 年半年报披露在即,我们持续关注创新药板块业绩超预期的企业。
  • 医药行业:眼科医疗服务
    中国是世界上盲和视觉损伤患者最多的国家之一,眼科医疗服务市场规模超千亿人民币,三年疫情虽然对市场增长有所扰动,但当前该因素压制情况已经消失 因此面对中国老年人口增加、青少年近视防控战略的实施以及白内障手术渗透率和其他眼病治疗渗透率的进一步提升,中国眼科诊疗服务市场需求可观,反弹强劲。
  • 医药行业:EGFR_EX20ins_NSCLC重磅药物落地在即
  • 医疗器械行业:冠脉支架,从首开国采到接续涨价,有何启示?

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