(报告加工时间:2023-05-04 -- 2023-07-23)


  • 全球木制容器行业到2026年
    This data equals output data for the following ISIC Rev. 4 code: 1623 Manufacture of Wooden Containers This class includes: Manufacture of packing cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings of wood Manufacture of pallets, box pallets and other load boards of wood Manufacture of barrels, vats, tubs and other coopers' products of wood Manufacture of wooden cable-drums
  • 全球天窗市场报告展望预测(2023-2028年)
    Buildings account for up to 24% of greenhouse gas emissions and over 40% of the primary electricity use worldwide. These numbers are increasing YOY due to the rising world population and improving living standards. The global landscape is likely to be confronted with energy shortage in the future, and unfavorable climate changes are quite evident. It has been established with sufficient evidence that the present energy generation system is not sustainable. There is a need to shift to renewable sources, such as solar energy, for clean and sustainable energy.
  • 全球单板和人造板行业到2026年
    Manufacture of veneer sheets thin enough to be used for veneering, making plywood or other purposes: Smoothed, dyed, coated, impregnated, reinforced (with paper or fabric backing) Made in the form of motifs Manufacture of plywood, veneer panels and similar laminated wood boards and sheets Manufacture of particle board and fibreboard Manufacture of densified wood


  • 纸与林木产品行业:CCER重启在即,林业碳汇放量可期
  • 轻工制造行业:3月箱瓦纸进口环比持平,家具零售额好转、竣工数据超预期
    投资建议:3 月木浆进口量同比持续提升,浆价仍处于下 行通道;3月废纸浆进口价继续回落,箱瓦纸进口量增速环比收窄。本周 造纸板块下跌2.14%。木浆系:3月我国针叶浆进口量83.68万吨,同比 /环比+41.7%/40.2%。3月阔叶浆进口量117.29万吨,同比/环比+19.4%/- 4.7%。纸浆进口量、发运量持续提升,港口累库需求承压,供应压力进一 步缓解。废纸系:3月废纸浆进口价继续回落,箱瓦纸进口量增速环比收 窄。3月废纸浆进口量33.88万吨,同比/环比+69.67%/+3.21%,废纸浆 进口均价304.39美元/吨,同比/环比-33.14%/-2.62%。3月箱板纸进口量 28.44 万吨,同比/环比+38.2%/+0.7%。3 月瓦楞纸进口量32.07 万吨, 同比/环比+64.7%/-2.37%。当前箱瓦纸行业需求弱复苏,此轮行业内玖龙 纸业、山鹰国际为代表的密集停机有望缓解当前供需矛盾,同时,低纸价 抑制废纸进口诉求,等待二季度需求向上叠加库存消化情况,建议关注箱 板瓦楞纸提价落地情况,建议关注【玖龙纸业】、【山鹰国际】盈利改善。 木浆、废纸价格持续走弱,需求走势分化,首推成本+供需格局双重利好 下特种纸盈利弹性释放;推荐【五洲特纸】、【仙鹤股份】、【华旺科技】、 【冠豪高新】,其次关注文化纸出版订单需求支撑提价落地。推荐【太阳 纸业】。

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