(报告加工时间:2022-04-18 -- 2022-04-24)



  • 全球电子药房市场研究报告和展望2027年
    With the rollout of the vaccine across the world in 2021 the global economy is expected to expand by roughly 4 in 2021 However, in January 2021 the World Bank stated in its Global Economic Prospects that the recovery will be slow unless governments around the world take effective action to control the pandemic and begin implementing investment enhancing reforms, as well as vaccination campaigns, strict health policies, and financial support Within the broader context of e health, telehealth is gaining traction in both developed and developing countries Telehealth has been used in almost every country in the world, but it is embedded in only a few
  • 全球交互式患者参与解决方案市场报告(2022-2027年)
    The adoption of healthcare information technology (HCIT) in the healthcare sector has supported patient engagement and played an instrumental role in reducing medical costs. Nursing was at the forefront of achieving these results and was one of the first users of healthcare IT solutions for interactive patient engagement. Several HCIT solutions such as the interactive patient management systems enable healthcare providers to provide entertainment and educational resources to patients, which results in better care experience across the complete continuum of care.
  • 全球脑成像模式市场
    As per BIS Research, a CT scan of the brain is a non-invasive diagnostic imaging process that produces horizontal, or axial images (commonly referred to as slices) of the brain using specific X-Ray measurements. Brain CT scans can provide more specific information about brain tissue and structures than ordinary head X-Rays, allowing for additional information about brain injuries and disorders. Head CT scans employ specialized X-Ray equipment to diagnose head traumas, severe headaches, dizziness, and other symptoms of aneurysms, hemorrhage, strokes, and brain tumors. It also aids the doctor in evaluating the face, sinuses, and skull, as well as planning brain cancer radiation therapy. It can also reveal internal injuries and bleeding in emergencies.
  • 全球心脏监测市场报告(2022-2027年)
    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide, with an estimated 17.9 million deaths each year, accounting for around 32% of deaths worldwide. CVD is a group of heart and vascular diseases, including coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, rheumatic heart disease, and other diseases. More than four-fifths of cardiovascular deaths are due to heart attacks and strokes, and one-third of those deaths occur prematurely in people aged under 70. The global burden of atrial fibrillation (AF) in 2019 is estimated at 59.7 million, twice the estimated case in 1990. It can be argued that the entire continent, such as South America, Africa, and parts of Asia, faces various challenges, such as limited economic resources, aging, high blood pressure, and obesity.
  • 全球脑疾病模式和软件市场
    As per BIS Research, a computer tomography (CT) scan of the brain is a non-invasive diagnostic imaging process that produces horizontal, or axial, images (commonly referred to as slices) of the brain using specific X-Ray measurements. Brain CT scans can provide more specific information about brain tissue and structures than ordinary head X-Rays, allowing for additional information about brain injuries and disorders. Head CT scans employ specialized X-Ray equipment to diagnose head traumas, severe headaches, dizziness, and other symptoms of aneurysms, hemorrhage, strokes, and brain tumors. These scans also aid the doctor in evaluating the face, sinuses, and skull, as well as planning brain cancer radiation therapy. They can also reveal internal injuries and bleeding in emergencies.
  • 全球牙科射线照相市场
    According to BIS Research, dental radiography or dental X-Ray is an imaging procedure employed by dentists to assess the oral health of patients. Dental radiography procedures require products such as dental imaging systems and dental imaging software.


  • 医药生物行业:广东联盟中成药集采落地,国产新冠防治药物进展积极-月度报告
    中成药独家品种集采价格降幅较小,建议关注中药创新药与品牌中药。4月8日,广东省药品交易中心公示广东联盟清开灵等中成药集中带量采购拟中选/备选结果。结果显示,参与报价的576 个产品中,361个品种拟中选/备选,产品中选率62.67%。在拟中选/备选的代表产品中,以“最高日均费用/最高有效申报价”为基础测算,整体价格降幅为54.35%。其中,非独家A 组拟中选/备选品种的平均降幅为49.95%,非独家B 组拟中选/备选品种的平均降幅为84.12%,独家拟中选/备选品种的平均降幅为17.12%。
  • 医药生物行业:持续关注国产药物临床进展-新冠小分子药物研究进展更新
  • 医药生物行业:原料药行业迎来复苏期,新冠特效药物产业链带来新机遇-化学原料药行业二季度投资策略
    2021 年原料药行业相继受到上游原材料涨价、汇率波动、去库存等因素影响,API企业陆续出现经营波动。此外,2021 年人民币升值导致API 出口业务的业绩受到干扰,同时上游原材料价格明显上涨也是导致毛利率下降的重要原因之一。但海外原料药行业相继受到疫情影响,供给收缩,而国内疫情逐渐控制,供应量相对充足,国内原料药企业的出口业务因此获益。
  • 医药行业:多数品种有所下滑,HPV疫苗仍强劲增长-2021年及2022Q1疫苗批签发
  • 医药生物行业:持续关注一季报业绩确定性及医疗消费政策
    申万医药生物指数下跌1.38%,整体弱于大盘。其中医疗器械子行业涨幅较大,上涨2.94%;医疗服务子行业上涨2.33%,医药商业子行业下跌2.97%,化学制药子行业下跌3.58%,中药子行业下跌3.82%;生物制品子行业下跌5.17%。上周A 股医药整体震荡下行,仅服务板块因国务院强调扩大重点领域消费,促进医疗健康、养老、托育等服务消费而上涨,展望下周,动态清零仍将持续,国内疫情反复,短期我们仍建议关注国产新冠疫苗、新冠药物研发进展及新冠检测产品及服务等产业链相关公司以及一季报超预期的公司,中期考虑疫情后逐渐复苏以及国家对消费医疗的支持,关注受疫情影响的部分医疗服务和消费医疗的复苏政策以及疫情后新基建的建设进度。
  • 医药生物行业:关注新冠主线以及估值合理的优质个股-2022年4月投资策略暨一季报前瞻

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