(报告加工时间:2021-08-23 -- 2021-08-29)


  • 全球自动驾驶自行车市场报告(2027-2035年)
    Market players and researchers across the globe are finding ways in which new technologies such as superior sensors and AI can revolutionize the motorbikes. Autonomous bikes are the self-balancing vehicles, powered by cutting-edge technologies, which assist the bike to navigate its journey by taking appropriate actions according to the parameters detected by the sensors. The shift in the direction of making motor bikes and scooters smarter is analogous to the way advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) have advanced in cars over the passage of time. The researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have been examining a self-sufficient tricycle called Persuasive Electric Vehicle (PEV) made for the carriage of goods and individuals. While other options for the same requirements exist, the autonomous bikes are expected to be more preferable owing to its advantages such as their compact size, movability, and speed, all of which are immensely helpful in congested environments.
  • 全球血液动力学监测设备市场分析与预测(2021-2030年)
    The global hemodynamic monitoring devices market have been influenced by various technological trends. Each trend has robust growth potential in either short-, mid-, or long-term duration in the market. The following table represents the key technological trends that have influenced the global hemodynamic monitoring devices market and their future growth potential in different time frames. The highlighted cells reflect the timeframe with most potential for a technology trend.


  • 机械设备行业:广东、上海致力打造半导体及集成电路产业集群;光伏、锂电产能扩张加速
    半导体设备:广东、上海“十四五”规划强芯行动,半导体及集成电路产业将受益。从市场角度看,光伏新玩家普遍青睐HJT 技术。华润电力12GW 高效异质结太阳能电池及组件制造项目开工
  • 电气设备行业:群英荟萃,再战江湖-光伏胶膜专题报告
  • 机床行业:新能源车爆发,机床迎来新机遇-深度报告二
    新能源车较传统燃油车在结构上发生重大变化,以动力总成(电机、电控、电池)为代表的零部件均需定制化开发机床进行加工,进而催生机床新需求。根据我们测算,2021-2025年新能源车领域新增机床需求为265亿元,年均53亿元。一体化压铸是对传统汽车制造工艺(冲压+焊接)的颠覆,其在成本、效率、加工质量等方面拥有巨大优势,未来在新能源车领域有望快速渗透。一体化压铸成型后,需要配套相应机床进行压铸件的毛刺与毛边等的切削,若考虑该工艺用于整车加工,根据我们测算,中国年产 800万辆新能源车对应机床(以龙门为主)总需求在440亿元左右,年均为88亿元。预计从2022年开始,随着其他新能源车厂商逐步跟进推动一体压铸工艺,相关机床需求将迎来爆发。
  • 机械行业:7月挖机销量降幅扩大,全年有望实现10%以上增长-月报
    工程机械方面,7 月挖掘机销量降幅扩大3.04 个百分点,为-9.24%,其中国内销量降幅扩大至-24.1%,出口延续高增长态势。从前7 月下游主要应用行业数据来看,基建和房地产投资累计增速维持回落态势,基建投资累计同比提升4.19%,房地产开发投资完成额累计同比增长12.7%,工程机械景气度持续回升。政策方面,非道路移动机械国四排放标准确定于2022 年底实施,而以北京为例,排放标准的提前实施将加速主机厂商和发动机制造厂商的产品更新步伐,持续带动工程机械更新需求。
  • 电力及公用事业行业:业务范围持续扩张,进一步布局“光伏_储能等新能源领域
    公司为电力咨询设计、建设、设备供应和智能用电运维服务的全产业链服务供应商,聚焦用户端配网市场,其服务一体化、市场经营、服务质量和品牌优势明显,有望受益碳中和碳达峰背景下的电力建设投资规模提升以及智能用电需求释放。我们看好公司未来的成长空间,预计2021 年-2023 年公司的营业收入18.96、25.19、32.31亿元,分别同比增长38.5%、32.8%、28.2%;净利润3.33、4.39、5.67亿元,分别同比增长40.0%、32.0%、29.2%,成长性突出;维持买入-A的投资评级,6 个月目标价为91.0 元。

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