(报告加工时间:2015-10-01 -- 2015-10-31)


  • 中经网行业月度报告-工程机械201502
    1~2 月,工程机械行业基本面仍未出现明显改观,行业投资再次出现同比负增长;2 月份,八大工程机械产品总销量创下2011 年以来的历史新低;尽管生产企业去库存已进入尾声,但企业坚持以销定产,加之春节因素影响,主要产品产量同比大幅下滑。
  • 中经网行业月度报告-家用电器201502
    2015 年1~2 月,家电行业受到春节元旦礼品性和冲动性消费需求影响,加之“价格战”的延续,行业销量回暖;家电企业排产力度大幅收缩使得库存压力已明显缓解。


  • 全球电锯市场报告(2015-2019年)
    The global population is projected to reach 9 billion by 2050. This rise in population will lead to an increase in demand for wood for houses, furniture, fuel, pulp, and other needs. This, in turn, will increase the demand for forest equipment such as chainsaws. They are not only used by loggers but also by end-users at home for gardening, sculptors for sculpting wood or ice, carpenters, and others. Chainsaws are of two types: gas chainsaws and electric chainsaws. The demand for electric chainsaws are increasing worldwide as they are easy to use, lightweight, ecofriendly, and less noisy
  • 全球单采设备市场报告(2015-2019年)
    Apheresis is an invasive process that involves the separation of platelets, red blood cells, plasma, and other blood components from whole blood. A donor or patient's blood is passed through an apheresis equipment or a blood cell separator. The equipment separates specific blood components from the blood via centrifugation. The remaining blood components are transfused back into the donor or patient. Along with separation technologies, apheresis also involves the use of devices and disposables for centrifugation and membrane filtration. Apheresis equipment can be manual or automated.
  • 加拿大电梯和自动扶梯市场报告(2015-2019年)
    Elevators and escalators are installed in commercial, residential, and mixed-used buildings; IT parks, hotels, restaurants, and retail outlets. They are also installed in public places to improve vehicle parking management. The elevator and escalator market in Canada will be driven by growth factors that include the growth in construction of high-rise buildings. More than 40 high-rise buildings are planned to be constructed in the country by 2022. With the development of the high-rise construction market, a number of new high-rise buildings, especially for residential purposes, are planned to be constructed during the forecast period.
  • 全球动力铅酸电池市场报告(2015-2019年)
    Motive lead-acid batteries, also known as traction batteries, provide motive power for small transport vehicles such as forklifts, golf carts, railroads, and mining vehicles. These motive devices generally include small hand-operated trucks, pallet-jacks, and forklifts. The most common battery-operated forklifts are used for indoor transportation in warehouses, and in the manufacturing and material handling industries.


  • 变虚拟空间矢量的三电平NPC变换器中点电位平衡控制策略
  • 基于逆向传递策略的直流锅炉主汽温网络化预测控制
  • 中点箝位型三电平逆变器中点电压低频振荡抑制方法
    对于三电平逆变器中点电压低频振荡问题,传统正弦脉宽调制(sinusoidal pulse width modulation,SPWM)控制一般不具有中点电压平衡控制作用。该文基于不连续脉宽调制(discontinuous pulse width modulation,DPWM)的基本原理,提出了一种半周期动态调节的DPWM(dynamic half carrier-cycle regulative DPWM,DHCR-DPWM)中点电压平衡控制方法。该DHCR-DPWM控制方法通过控制载波周期内某相桥臂开关不动作,使得正负小矢量作用时间相等,实现对中点电压低频振荡的抑制,控制中点电压平衡。与传统SPWM控制相比,该方法能够提高输出波形质量和系统效率。在基于STM32F407-CPLD的二极管中点箝位型三电平逆变器实验平台上进行了实验验证,实验结果验证了理论分析的正确性和方法的有效性。 
  • 一种多频扫描式杆塔接地电阻的测量方法

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