(报告加工时间:2021-03-01 -- 2021-03-07)


  • 全球智能燃气表市场报告(2020-2027年)
    A smart gas meter not only measures gas flow but also use wireless communication to connect to local or wide area networks that allow infrastructure maintenance, remote location monitoring, and automatic billing. In gas utility application, the meters must function for long periods and convey data regularly. A combination of smart metering technology with sensors for smart valves, gas pressure, and gas leak detectors on the same network represent a concrete response for gas utilities to enhance safety and improve overall efficiency. The Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem help drive the smart gas meter market, as these can provide real-time data for various purposes and end-use industries such as residential, commercial, and industrial. With leveraging big data analytics, they can also shift from cutting costs as the main benefit of finding benefits for consumers and organizations. Some of the vendors are offering wireless solution for smart gas metering, which consists of WAVIoT gas meters and the meter data management system that allow them to get the consumption reports from the meters remotely.
  • 全球光刻设备市场报告(2019-2027年)
    Photolithography, also known as optical lithography, is a process used to create specific patterns on semiconductor wafers using a photosensitive material and an ultraviolet light exposure system by transferring pattern from masks to wafers. This process can fetch a pattern into an integrated circuit using a beam of ultraviolet light without any requirement of additional materials. Photolithography controls the exact size and shape of the substrate to be patterned, making the process highly efficient and cost-effective. It has been a dominant method for patterning nanoscale features, especially in microelectronics industries.
  • 全球无人飞行器无人机市场分析与预测(2020-2025年)
    Based on class, the market has been segmented into small and large UAVs. Small UAVs are of different types based on their wing such as fixed wing, rotary wing, and hybrid wing UAVs, whereas the large UAVs can be classified as strategic, tactical, and special purpose UAVs. Small UAVs are used by commercial, consumer as well as government and defense end users. However, a major percentage of small UAVs is used by hobbyists. The government and defense end users also use small UAVs for a varied range of applications in homeland security and military.


  • 家用电器行业:白电出货高增,无需过忧原材料价格上涨-二月行业动态报告
  • 家用电器行业:1月冰洗量分别同比+48.1%/+11.0%-月报
    1 月低基数下冰洗内外销均表现出色,看好2021H1 复苏性增长;冰箱:1 月冰箱内外销分别同比+51.3%/+44.7%;洗衣机:1 月洗衣机内外销分别同比+12.3%/+8.1%;原材料压力或向终端产品传导,补库存订单或加速释放。
  • 家用电器行业:历史复盘看压力下的短期盈利-成本专题一
  • 家用电器行业:白电景气度向上,关注各细分市场龙头 - 家电周报
    1)空调销量持续复苏,价格大幅回升,重点推荐美的、海尔、格力三大白电,零部件继续推荐家电与新能车业绩双轮共振的三花智控;2)小家电持续关注跨境电商背景下的投资机会,JS 环球生活、石头科技、科沃斯作为小家电出海标杆企业,背后的产业趋势在于中国小家电企业凭借国内的产业链集群优势,从代工逐步升级到自主品牌,此外推荐关注苏泊尔、九阳等线下渠道修复、估值偏低公司;3)地产产业链重点把握竣工修复带来的投资契机,推荐老板电器、火星人、浙江美大。
  • 家用电器行业:一文看懂海外家电龙头2020年报
    我们分析了部分已披露2020 年报的的海外家电公司。受疫情影响,海外家电公司2020 年收入出现小幅下滑,增速环比19 年放缓。2020 下半年需求较上半年出现明显好转,北美及新兴市场需求较为旺盛。
  • 机械设备行业:加配低估值中小市值细分龙头
    本周SW 机械板块上涨0.44%,沪深300 下降0.19%。前期涨幅较 多的新能源设备以及部分核心资产股价波动较大,中期仍持续推荐产业趋势明确的 锂电/光伏设备、激光、第三方检测等核心标的,另外通用设备需求景气度预期持续, 上半年仍建议重点关注注塑机厂商伊之密、机器人及运控系统厂商埃斯顿、自动化 解决方案商拓斯达等。
  • 机械行业:原材料价格上涨影响几何?
    中金机械组合过去5 个交易日(2021/02/09-2021/02/22)下跌2.90%,同期沪深 300 指数上涨0.59%。本周组合为A 股三一重工、恒立液压、华测检测、美亚光 电、捷佳伟创、巨星科技、中联重科、拓斯达、捷昌驱动、应流股份;H 股中联 重科、海天国际。本期组合维持不变。

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