(报告加工时间:2024-12-02 -- 2025-02-16)


  • 全球船用发动机市场研究报告数据分析
    Over 80% of the volume of international trade in goods is carried by sea, and the percentage is even higher for most developing countries. In 2020, maritime trade contracted by 3.8% reflecting an initial shock, but it rebounded later in 2021. IMO also forecasts that maritime trade could increase between 40% and 115% by 2050 in comparison to 2020 levels. Many factors influence this growth, including general economic conditions, rising population, increasing globalization. The continuous global economic growth is also spurring demand for shipments of energy products and other goods. In addition, growth in the manufacturing and industry sectors and improved socio-economic standards in emerging markets may increase demand for goods. With rising maritime trade, the demand for efficient and environment friendly marine engines used in these cargo ships are also expected to rise. Thus, driving the growth of the market
  • 全球邮轮旅游市场重点洞察(2024-2029年)
    The ocean cruising segment offers large ships with a wide range of onboard amenities. It offers diverse itineraries and covers major destinations and multiple countries across various ocean and seas.
  • 全球近海供应船市场研究报告
    The global offshore supply vessels (OSV) market has experienced dynamic shifts driven by various factors. The oil and gas industry's trends, particularly oil price fluctuations, have had a significant impact on the demand for OSVs. During periods of high oil prices, there is increased exploration and production activity, leading to a greater need for OSVs to support offshore operations. Conversely, low oil prices can result in reduced investment and exploration, leading to a decline in OSV demand.


  • 商业航天行业:手机直连卫星市场长坡厚雪,商用进程逐渐加速-深度报告-民生证券
    手机直连市场空间巨大,是卫星互联网迈向通用市场的核心方式。手机直连 卫星能够为手机用户提供广域连接,是星地网络融合背景下的卫星通信新范式。 据 GSMA 数据,2023 年全球移动终端订阅用户数量已达 56 亿,移动终端直连 卫星有望成为卫星互联网的核心应用场景。2023~2030 年仅大众市场手机直连 卫星的需求就达 670 亿美元,此外手机直连卫星在应急救援通信、驻外工商业机 构通信、船载机载通信、特种领域均有广阔的应用前景。同时,近年来国际通信 组织的标准制定和各国相关政策正处于快速发展的阶段;卫星及火箭技术的进步 为手机直连卫星奠定了坚实的基础。
  • 航空机场行业:成都成内地第三个年航空旅客量破8000万人次城市-中信建投
    1)成都成内地第三个年航空旅客量破 8000 万人次城市。 1 1 月 28 日消息,成都国际航空枢纽今日迎来第 8000 万名旅客,标志 着成都成为继上海、北京之后,我国内地第 3 个年航空旅客量突 破 8000 万人次的城市。 2)法航荷航集团拟收购西班牙欧洲航空20%股份。11月 27日, 根据西班牙 ElEconomista 的最新报道,法航荷航集团(A ir France-KLM)正在与西班牙欧洲航空公司(A ir Europa)进行深 入谈判,计划收购后者至多 20%的股份。 3)菜鸟启用香港最大航空货运站。27 日消息,菜鸟首度对外公 布了香港智慧港和香港 eHub,这座菜鸟自建自营的智慧港,使 用面积有 54 个足球场大,集合航空货站、分拨中心等功能。


  • 航空装备行业:新修订《军队装备科研条例》发布,强调降本增效自主可控-中信建投

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