(报告加工时间:2020-07-20 -- 2020-08-02)



  • 全球全面实验室自动化市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    The benefits of total laboratory automation include reduction of human errors in specimen handling, enhancements in overall process control, and faster turn-around-times (TAT) from specimen collection to test result reporting. Across various industries, laboratories are a vital part of manufacturing and scientific research organizations. The primary goal of research and diagnostic labs is to provide high quality and reliable information, which fulfills the industry needs. The use of manual systems hampers data quality during the transferring process. Currently, technological advancements and increasing pressure to deliver results have led to the use of automated systems in laboratories. The adoption rate of automated systems is increasing, due to its accuracy, advanced data management capacity and reduced repetitiveness, and ultimately reducing the human intervention, and thereby, increasing throughput and accuracy. Many core labs are looking to enhance testing efficiency and better manage resources by upgrading to total laboratory automation (TLA). Although total lab automation can be challenging to plan and implement, it is particularly suited to laboratories that conduct a broad spectrum of highly automated testing coupled with sophisticated laboratory information systems. TLA avoids the duplication, delays, and waste that can occur with task targeted automation.
  • 全球生命科学分析软件市场报告(2020-2027年)
    The life sciences industry is moving from treatment to preventive scenarios and management of patient's health outcomes. In addition, early detection of disease patterns and strategic target is the key for effective business strategies. Thus, life science companies are demanding for analytics software that is used to transform data into useful insights. Further, benefits of analytics software in life sciences such as early detection of prescription and treatment patterns, strategizing patient outcomes and achieving better operational quality that drives the intellectual journey of patient centricity further boosts the growth of the global life science analytics software market. The market is derived exclusively on the basis of the revenue generated through software license, maintenance and subscription. These are used in research & development, clinical trials, preclinical trials, sales & marketing support, regulatory compliance, supply chain analytics and pharmacovigilance. It doesn’t include revenue generated from services provided by the companies.
  • 全球生物塑料市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    The environmental dilemma caused by reaching high levels of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere is one of the major drivers for the bioplastic market, as Bioplastics help to reduce the dependency on fossil resources, reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and increase resource efficiency. Plastics takes about 100 years to decompose, then plastics lies in landfills for very long period. Whereas, bioplastics produced from plant biomass, such as corn starch, sugar cane or wheat, and can be break down or decompose and are absorbed back into the environment. The rate of decomposition of biodegradable bioplastics by the activities of microorganisms is faster than that of traditional plastics. For instance, starch-based bio plastics break down by approximately 65% within three months. This, in turn offers positive impact on the environment, as biopolymers are non-toxic and are easier to recycle. Hence, they take less time to break down, which helps in the protection of the environmentFurthermore, major challenges, such as climate change, energy security, food security, rising human population, and global economic meltdowns, have increased the need for sustainable economic growth that may not have a negative impact on the environment. In this regards, one of the major issues faced by the world remains the replacement of toxic releasing and non-biodegradable polymer. to control air pollution produced due to non-biodegradable plastics, governments across the globe introduced various regulations and policies. Furthermore, governments are encouraging the use of eco-friendly and biodegradable materials for the manufacture of polymers.

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