(报告加工时间:2014-01-01 -- 2014-02-16)


  • 全球中心静脉通路装置市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Central venous access devices are devices inserted into the central venous system to administer medication or fluids, draw blood, and measure central venous pressure. These devices are made up of a non-irritant material such as silicone so that they can be left in place for several weeks or months. Central venous access devices are recommended when there is difficultly to obtain peripheral venous access or in case of certain intravenous therapies such as chemotherapy, total parenteral nutrition, prolonged medication, repeated transfusions of blood or blood products, and frequent blood sampling. These devices are inserted either by surgeons or interventional radiologists with or without the use of general anesthesia. CVCs, PICCS, and implantable ports are the most common types of central venous access device. The catheter has one end positioned outside the body and the ports are surgically placed under the skin and require a special needle for access. Occlusions are a common complication associated with these devices, which can be thrombotic, mechanical, and precipitate occlusions.
  • 全球计量泵市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Metering pumps are devices used for pumping fluids in a measured and accurate way. The pumps are used to control the rate of flow of fluids such as water, chemicals, and solutions used in industrial processes. Most of the metering pumps are able to discharge fluids with high pressure. A metering pump model typically includes a pump head and a motor.
  • 全球换热器市场报告(2014-2018年)
  • 全球流量计市场报告(2014-2018年)
    A flowmeter is a device that measures the flow rate of liquids and gases. There are various types of flowmeters: magnetic flowmeter, coriolis flowmeter, ultrasonic flowmeter, turbine flowmeter, positive displacement flowmeter, multiphase flowmeter, and vortex flowmeter. These flowmeters are used across various process industries such as Oil and Gas, Chemical and Petrochemical, Pulp and Paper, Water and Wastewater for various liquid and gas applications. The effective deployment of advanced technology flowmeters helps in improving efficiency of the process and also enables companies to optimize their overall operational cost.

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