(报告加工时间:2024-09-02 -- 2024-11-03)


  • 2024年现制茶饮报告


  • 全球烈性黑啤酒和波特啤酒市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Stout and porter beer are types of craft beer. Stout is a dark, top-fermented beer with a number of variations, including dry stout, Baltic porter, milk stout, and imperial stout. Porters are dark beers with big chocolate and coffee aromas and flavors. The only main difference between stout and porter beer is the kind of malt that is used to brew each type of beer. Porters use malted barley, and stouts are primarily made from unmalted roasted barley.
  • 全球工业食品和饮料过滤系统市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Filtration systems are used in the food and beverage industry for clarifying products, removing spoilage microorganisms, and stabilizing products and other applications, which in turn, ensure the quality of edible products.
  • 全球氮气饮料市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Nitro-infused beverages are drinks that have been infused with nitrogen gas. The infusion of nitrogen gas into beverages gives them (beverages) a creamy, smooth texture and a rich, velvety mouthfeel. Nitrogen is less soluble in liquid than carbon dioxide, so the bubbles created are smaller and more stable, contributing to the unique texture. Nitro infusion is a commonly used technique in coffee, beer, and tea. They are often served on tap, similar to draft beer, to maintain the effect of nitrogen infusion and are known for their distinctive, frothy consistency.
  • 全球根汁啤酒市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Traditionally root beer is made from the sassafras tree, and it can be either alcoholic or non-alcoholic. It can contain caffeine or can be decaffeinated.
  • 长路漫漫等风来——海外烈酒品类能成为国内酒企第二增长曲线吗?
    近年白酒存量调整背景下,我们观察到更多酒企开始跨品类布局威士忌, 洋河、郎酒、古井等相继入局,意在提前布局第二增长曲线,


  • 海外专题:从朝日和麒麟看啤酒企业多元化转型
    啤酒属于大众品,天然具备规模天花板,多元化发展能够为企业打破 天花板实现企业规模的持续增长。由于啤酒属于大众品,受制于人口总量、结构以及经济发展等要素,经过一段时间的发展,销量通常会面临“增量 转存量”的局面,此时厂商通常会推动高端化战略寻求产品结构升级下的二次增长机会,但由于规模不断加大,增速不可避免将放缓。部分企业为了实现总体业绩的持续增长,通常会推动多元化发展战略寻求第二曲线,本次我们主要对日本两大啤酒企业的创新和多元化发展战略进行了研究,我们发现两大日本啤酒企业的多元化业务都始于原有啤酒业务的遇到天花板前做的布局准备和铺垫。
  • 白酒行业:穿越迷雾,驶向何方?-白酒新周期系列报告之二,行业篇
    1989 年以来,白酒行业三起三落,由量 价齐升的扩容式增长,发展到量减价升的挤压式增长,周期拐点往往为对白酒需求产生 较大影响的宏观经济变化、政策变化、食品安全事件等。
  • 洞察]趋势,把握白酒双理性机遇 ——白酒行业深度报告
    过去,白酒价格主要是提价逻辑和消费升级逻辑,但现在,市场消费形势 发生变化,消费者当前对于性价比的需求跃升为核心需求,顺应这个变化, 白酒价格逻辑正在进化为消费与价格双理性逻辑。

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