(报告加工时间:2020-01-13 -- 2020-01-18)


  • 行业月度报告-化工201911
    11 月份,化工行业运行整体依旧缓慢,工业增加值增速稍有回升;1~11 月,化学原料和化学制品制造业工业增加值同比增长 4.4%;出厂价格指数总体延续上年末下滑趋势,11 月化学原料和化学制品制造业出厂价格指数为 93.6 点;行业投资增速继续回落,1~11 月化学原料和化学制品制造业固定资产投资同比增长4.6%;化工行业营收增速止增转降后降幅继续扩大,利润终结增长开启下滑走势,1~11 月行业利润同比大幅减少 23.3%,较 1~10 月收窄 2.0 个百分点。
  • 行业月度报告-石化201911
    11 月,石化行业生产继续增长,炼油利润小幅回升,成品油消费景气度下降。具体来看,国际布伦特油价环比上涨 5.5%,原油生产环比增加 0.9%,继续保持稳步增长,原油进口继续保持 10%以上增速;下游化工品价格创年内新低;投资方面,石油加工、炼焦及核燃料加工业固定资产投资额累计同比增长 14.5%;供应方面,炼油利润回调,加工原油 5784 万吨,环比下降 3%;汽油、柴油产量环比下降,煤油环比上升,乙烯环比增加 22%;进出口方面,汽油出口创历史新高;需求方面,汽车行业低迷等因素导致汽油消费量呈持续下滑态势,工业疲软,继续压低柴油消费。价格方面,11月份成品油价格上调 2 次,汽柴油累计上涨 175 元/吨和 170 元/吨。


  • 美国生物刺激剂市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    United states is one of the major consumers of biostimulant in North America . Biostimulan ts are relatively less popular. However the United States with its highly evolved agricultural sector has been adapting to the natural and organic way of farming. Hence, the region is witnessing induced consumption of biostimulants.  Over the years, change in various factors such as total area under cultivation, price of the product, and crops cultivated have been influencing the market pattern of biostimulants in the country. The use of biostimulants for fruits, vegetables, cereals, and pulses is growing strongly owing to changing consumption patterns of fruits and vegetables without the risk of pesticide residues and with increased nutritional value.
  • 美国杀线虫剂市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The United States nematicides market is majorly dominated by fumigant type nematicides, cornering 44.2% share in the overall nematicide market in 2018. For instance, California, one of the largest markets for nematicides, has been widely applying soil fumigants such as sodium tetrathio to treat nematodes present in vineyards across the state. Fruits and Vegetables were estimated to have the major chunk of share by way of application in the United States nematicide market. The increasing yield losses in tomatoes has led to the extensive use of root-knot nematodes and sting nematodes to mitigate the blighting of crops by nematode attacks. Furthermore, soil fumigation is a well-applied method on US farm fields, while the usage of non-fumigant nematicides is limited across the country. Increasing use of nematicides on vegetables, growing need for higher agricultural productivity and growing, and the advent of bio-nematicides is expected to stipulate the market growth. However, restriction on the usage of chemical/synthetic products, and increasing research and development costs are the likely factors restraining the growth of the market.


  • 基础化工行业:化工品价格整体回升,关注行业龙头及维生素、CPE板块-月报
    2019 年12 月份中信基础化工行业指数上涨10.24%,在29 个中信一级行业中排名第7 位。子行业中,民爆用品、聚氨酯和氨纶板块表现居前。主要产品中,12 月份化工品上涨品种数量有所上升,下跌品种数量略有下降。上涨品种中,棕榈仁油、丙烷、脂肪醇、液化气、棕榈油涨幅居前。1 月份的投资策略建议继续关注优质一体化行业龙头企业以及维生素、CPE 板块。

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