(报告加工时间:2024-01-15 -- 2024-01-21)


  • 2023年中国肝炎疫苗行业概览报告
    病毒性肝炎是中国传染病报告中病例数最多的乙 类传染病,目前中国已上市甲型肝炎、乙型肝炎以及戊型肝炎三类疫苗,整体来看,国内肝炎疫苗行业已步入成熟期。从接种对象来看,肝炎疫苗的主力接种群体为新生婴儿,近年来,中国出生人口持续下降,2022年出生人口为956万人相较于2012年已经下降了844万,随着中国新生婴儿数量的持续下降,一类肝炎疫苗下游接种需求将受到冲击。随着疫苗开发的持续创新、中国居民对疫苗接种的必要性和好处的认识的不断提升、人均可支配收入的上涨等因素的推动,均将促进中国疫苗的消费,以成人乙肝疫苗为代表的二类肝炎疫苗有望为终端需求打开空间。


  • 全球测压系统市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Manometry is the measuring of pressure in distinct gastrointestinal system locations. Manometry involves inserting a catheter containing solid-state or liquid-filled pressure transducers into the lumen of the organ being examined through the mouth or anus
  • 全球呼吸分析仪市场报告(2024-2028年)
    A breath analyzer is a device commonly used for estimating blood alcohol content (BAC) from a breath sample. These devices estimate BAC by measuring the amount of alcohol present in one breath.
  • 全球海洋药品市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Marine pharmaceuticals, also known as marine-derived pharmaceuticals or marine natural products, refer to compounds and drugs that are derived from marine organisms, such as marine plants, animals, and microorganisms, for use in medical and pharmaceutical applications.
  • 全球乳腺炎探测器市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Mastitis detector is a healthcare equipment used to detect subclinical mastitis in cows and small ruminants like sheep and goats at the invisible stage. The equipment is designed to monitor the health of a cow udder effectively, easily, and conveniently in order to minimize financial losses related to milk production.
  • 全球牛处理系统市场报告(2024-2028年)
    A bovine treatment system refers to a comprehensive set of healthcare and management solutions designed to address the specific needs of cattle, particularly bovine species, which include both beef and dairy cattle. These systems are used to monitor, diagnose, and treat various health issues and to manage the overall well-being and productivity of cattle herds. Bovine treatment systems typically incorporate a combination of hardware, software, and healthcare protocols to provide effective care for cattle.
  • 全球生育支持产品市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Maternity support products are special clothes that are specifically meant to give support to a pregnant woman's stomach. The range of such support products available in the market includes support belts, belly bands, and shapewear. There are several benefits of using maternity support belts, such as reduction in back pain, relief from pelvic girdle pain (PGP), round ligament pain, and sciatica.


  • 创新与消费,以“中药+视角挖掘结构性机会
    医药上市公司2023Q1-3利润端承压明显。2023Q1-3医药行业上市公司(剔除ST、未盈利、B股及北交所股票)营业收入同比增长1.45%,归母净利润同比下降19.52%,毛利率同比下降2.21pct,净利率同比下降2.5pct。Q3 营业收入同比下降3.26%,归母净利润同比下降18.08%,毛利率同比下降1.13pct,净利率同比下降1.66pct。因上年同期高基数以及医疗反腐影响,医药行业前三季度尤其是Q3业绩承压明显。
  • 国产双抗 ADC 达成 8 亿美元首付款对外授权
    近日,百利天恒公告子公司 SystImmune 与 BMS 就 BL-B01D1(EGFR×HER3 双抗 ADC)项目达成独家许可与合作协议。双方将合作推动 BL-B01D1 在美国的开发和商业化。SystImmune 将通过其关联公司独家负责 BL-B01D1 在中国大陆的开发、商业化以及在中国大陆的生产,并负责生产部分供中国大陆以外地区使用的药品。BMS 将独家负责 BL-B01D1 在全球其他地区的开发和商业化。合作协议生效后,BMS 将向 SystImmune 支付 8 亿美元的首付款,和最高可达 5 亿美 元的近期或有付款;达成开发、注册和销售里程碑后,SystImmune 将获得最高可达 71 亿美元的额外付款;潜在总交易额最高可达 84 亿美元。
  • 需求侧静待拐点,供给侧寻找增量
    复盘 2023:业绩分化,估值下调,持仓走低。美容护理板块 2023 年绝对与相对收益均较弱。背后有业绩下修+估值下调双重因素,更多是景气度走弱下的估值下调。消费偏弱下医美与美妆业绩均有分化,但分化因素各异。医美分化更多源于需求弹性差异,美妆品牌分化则更多源于个体经营差异,亦有美妆品牌内部积极调整迎来边际改善。
  • 渐进复苏,把握强α及细分β机遇

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