(报告加工时间:2020-01-06 -- 2020-01-12)



  • 中国小微企业云财务应用市场专题分析2019
  • 天相月度投资策略报告( 2019年11月)
  • 天相月度投资策略报告2019年8月
    2019年8月大盘先抑后扬,主要呈现V型震荡走势。月初指数在受到人民币贬值、美股暴跌、中美贸易摩擦加剧等多种因素的影响下,急速下行,连续跌破2900点和2800点整数关口,最低下探至2733.92点,形成单针探底形态,随后止跌企稳,在年线附近反复震荡后,重回年线上方运行。科创板8月主要呈现震荡下跌调整形态,月末有止跌企稳趋势。截止到8月底,上证指数月K线下跌1.58%,月K线两连阴;上证50月K线下跌1.99%,月K线两连阴;沪深300 月K 线下跌0.93%;中小板月K 线上涨1.53%,表现较强;创业板月K线上涨2.58%,月K线三连阳。个股板块涨跌互现,食品饮料、医药、军工、电子、计算机等板块表现较好,而地产、钢铁、建筑、银行、通信等板块有所走弱。
  • 天相月度投资策略报告( 2019年3月)
    2月份是春季假期,交易时间较短,节前市场维持温和震荡格局,但春节后市场迎来强势反弹走势,指数从2600点附近起步,连续三周实现中阳线,指数先突破2700点,之后略有回落,随着中美贸易摩擦问题缓和,指数继续震荡上行,震荡突破2800点而2月份最后一周更是上演强势上攻,指数在2月25日出现5%以上的单日涨幅,直接突破年线压制,上行到2900点,之后高位有所震荡至月底,各大指数均出现大幅反弹走势。截止到2月底上证指数月K线上涨13.79%,实现月K线二连阳;沪深300上涨14.61%;中小板月K 线上涨21.86%;创业板月K 线上涨25.06%。个股板块全线上涨,电子、计算机、通信、有色、非银金融农业等板块涨幅居前,而银行、家电、食品饮料等板块涨幅略少。
  • 天相月度投资策略报告2019年9月
    2019年9月大盘冲高回落,小幅收涨。 月初在央行降准预期下指数延续8月底的回暖格局,一路震荡反弹站上3000点,最高触达3042.93点,但随后高位出现反复,随着外部环境趋弱,加上经济数据也表现较弱,对市场构成压制,指数有所回落,月末逼近2900点关口。科创板9月仍主要呈现震荡下跌调整形态,月末有止跌企稳趋势。截止到9月底,上证指数月K线上涨0.66%;沪深300上涨0.39%;中小板月K线上涨1.95%,表现较强;创业板月K线上涨1.03%,月K线收出四连阳。个股板块涨跌互现, 电子、计算机、通信、生物制品等板块上涨,而农业、电力、有色、食品饮料等板块有所走弱。
  • 天相月度投资策略报告2019年10月
    2019年9月大盘冲高回落,小幅收涨。 月初在央行降准预期下指数延续8月底的回暖格局,一路震荡反弹站上3000点,最高触达3042.93点,但随后高位出现反复,随着外部环境趋弱,加上经济数据也表现较弱,对市场构成压制,指数有所回落,月末逼近2900点关口。科创板9月仍主要呈现震荡下跌调整形态,月末有止跌企稳趋势。截止到9月底,上证指数月K线上涨0.66%;沪深300上涨0.39%;中小板月K线上涨1.95%,表现较强;创业板月K线上涨1.03%,月K线收出四连阳。个股板块涨跌互现, 电子、计算机、通信、生物制品等板块上涨,而农业、电力、有色、食品饮料等板块有所走弱。


  • 全球在线和真人娱乐场赌博市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024)
    During the last few years, there have been an increasing number of malpractices by online operators regarding the misconduct of customers. In order to deal with this mishap and gain consumer trust and interest, various governing bodies and associations are legalizing gambling events. In March 2018, the Gambling Commission announced that some online operators were treating customers unfairly, by requesting additional identity information when the customers attempted to withdraw winnings. Around 15% of the complaints to its contact center were about licensees not allowing customers to withdraw funds until they submit certain forms of identification or personal credentials. The Swedish Gambling Authority is controlled by the Ministry of Finance, and its board is appointed by the Swedish government. The Swedish Gambling Authority has been given the task of ensuring the legality, safety, and reliability of the gambling market in the country.
  • 全球主题公园度假市场报告(2019-2026年)
    Theme park can be defined as an outdoor attraction which combines rides, shows, and attraction. It is also designed around a group of themes or central themes, which also charges a pay-one-price admission fee to visitor. Theme park as an aggregation of themed attraction includes retail shops, foodservices, shows, costumed personnel, architecture, rides, and landscape. Theme parks are also examples of highly developed, man modified, capital intensive, and user-oriented recreational environments. It is a destination in its own, which combines food & beverages, shops, and entertainment.
  • 全球金融云市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    As many organizations continue to face challenges with legacy ERP solutions that have been in place for more than a decade, cloud offerings are gaining traction over existing on-premise systems, as they enable greater business agility and scalability. Several financial service organizations are migrating to cloud solutions to deliver innovation, customization, and security, with the sole purpose of gaining a competitive edge. According to Capgemini, cloud solutions are helping the banks to significantly cut expenses by slashing infrastructure costs by a quarter and potentially saving about USD 15 billion by 2019. Owing to this, many vendors are providing IaaS and PaaS applications to eliminate the need to manage hosting, maintaining, updating, and scaling service operations.
  • 全球制造业预测分析市场报告(2019-2026年)
    Emergence of analytical technologies in the manufacturing industry is expanding the potential of production facilities with more efficient product life cycle. The ability of predictive analytics to forecast futuristic outcomes, in terms of maintenance, marketing, sales, product defects, and many such other parameters fuels the market growth. Furthermore, the global manufacturing predictive analytics market dynamics provide key factors that impact the market growth, which include advent of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and proliferation of Industry 4.0 evolution. The report features information on manufacturing predictive analytics software and services offered by the key market players. Furthermore, it highlights the strategies adopted by the major market players to improve the market share and sustain competition.


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