(报告加工时间:2014-08-04 -- 2014-09-30)


  • 行业月度报告-建材201404
  • 行业月度报告-建筑201406
  • 中国水泥行业报告(2014年9月23日)
    China announced earlier this year it would ban new projects in industries including steel and cement until 2017.
  • 涂料行业的环保政策解读及应对策略
    环境的污染问题已经成为制约我国经济发展的首要问题,处理好经济与环境的和谐发展是利国利民的大事。对环境问题影响最大的是化学工业、矿业、电力等工业的排放,其中涂料工业的主要排放物为挥发性有机化合物(VOC)。据统计,2012 年我国涂料总产量1270万t,溶剂型涂料约占50%,涂料行业的VOC 排放约占工业活动中排放量的23%,即每年有超过300 万t 溶剂排放到大气中。同时存在的另一种潜在的污染是特殊危险的原材料,在处理与贮存不当时也对环境和人类造成极大的危害。
  • 行业月度报告-建材201405
    5月是建材行业的传统旺季,但受房地产投资增长放缓、部分地区遭遇雨水天气等因素影响,水泥和平板玻璃整体需求旺季不旺,重点联系企业水泥销量环比仅增长2.60% ,而平板玻璃销量环比下降1.93%。由于市场需求表现不佳,水泥和玻璃价格均下跌。此外,国外需求有所减弱,水泥和平板玻璃出口量有不同程度的下降。预计6月,随着行业淡季的到来,水泥和平板玻璃产销量将有所下降,价格将加速下挫。
  • 2013-2014年中国建筑节能产业分析与预测
  • 行业月度报告-建材201406


  • 全球天花板市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Ceiling tiles, also known as ceiling panels, absorb sound and are lightweight construction materials used to cover a ceiling area. These tiles are placed in an aluminum grid to enhance the acoustics of the room and provide thermal insulation, sound absorption, and fire insulation; they are mainly used in the interiors of the buildings. The main raw materials used in the manufacture of these tiles are gypsum, mineral fiber, and metals. Ceiling tiles are widely used in the Commercial, Industrial, Healthcare, and Education sectors.
  • 2014年尼日利亚水泥产业报告--长远的价值投资
    The emergence of new dynamics in the cement industry is the focal point of this report. Away from just capacity expansion and gas usage in production, industry focus has gradually shifted towards the adoption of new standards, consolidation of businesses, increased coal usage and other alternative energy sources as well as higher prospects for further business combinations.
  • 全球涂料添加剂市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Paint additives are ingredients that improve the quality, performance, and functionality of paints and coatings. Paint additives modify the properties of paints to improve viscosity, reduce foam, control gloss, control flow, add anti-chipping ability, and enable paint to be more impact resistant to increase its effectiveness. Small amounts of paint additives are added to the coating formulation to ensure the paint's durability and enhance the finish of the coated film. The major end-user industries of paint additives are Architecture, Automotive, Industrial, and Wood and Furniture industries.

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