(报告加工时间:2024-08-19 -- 2024-09-01)


  • 以海外为鉴,看国内威士忌发展路径
    全球烈酒市场集中 度较低,2023 年厂商销量 CR3 为 19.5%。作为八大 烈酒之一,威士忌在全球市场销量增长的潜力超过其他烈酒品类。除了少量的销量增长,威士忌行业主要通过品类创新和结构升级提升均价实现行业规模增长。海外头部酒企多采用多品牌战略,实现全球的生产和销售布局,通过广泛的产品布局匹配不同消费人群的需求。


  • 全球瓶装水市场规模和份额分析增长趋势和预测(2024-2029)
    Bottled water refers to drinking water packaged in glass or plastic bottles. Some bottled water is carbonated, while others are not. The scope of the report includes carbonated bottled water, still bottled water, and flavored/functional bottled water.
  • 全球咖啡奶精市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Coffee creamer is a cream substitute for milk or milk powder, which is used in coffee or tea extracts, chocolate beverages, and other food preparations. Coffee creamers are vastly available, as per consumers' tastes and lactose tolerance abilities, in dairy and non-dairy versions. Dairy coffee creamers contain lactose, and non-dairy coffee creamers are lactose-free. In addition, they are low in calories, come in a variety of tastes, are plant-based, nutritious, and contain natural ingredients like almond and soy.
  • 全球咖啡包市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Coffee pods refer to the convenient-to-use, single-serve ground coffee portions that are either pre-packaged in filter papers (coffee pods) or in plastic or aluminum cups (coffee capsules). They are primarily available in three varieties such as soft coffee pods, hard coffee pods, and capsules.
  • 全球咖啡机市场规模和份额分析增长趋势和预测(2024-2029年)
    Coffee creamer is a cream substitute for milk or milk powder, which is used in coffee or tea extracts, chocolate beverages, and other food preparations. Coffee creamers are vastly available, as per consumers' tastes and lactose tolerance abilities, in dairy and non-dairy versions. Dairy coffee creamers contain lactose, and non-dairy coffee creamers are lactose-free. In addition, they are low in calories, come in a variety of tastes, are plant-based, nutritious, and contain natural ingredients like almond and soy.


  • 估值视角向稳定性切换,白酒龙头仍是扩内需稀缺资产
  • 如何理解当前包装水行业竞争格局?——软饮料行业深度报告(系列三)
    寻找包装水竞争格局演变的底层逻辑。我们复盘包装水行业近20年4次竞争格局之变,分别为2005-2009年、2010-2011年、2012- 2015年、 2016-2021年,总结2点共性规律: 1)竞争格局呈现周期性变化,往往由宏观需求周期、品类周期、成本周期以及龙头策略共振引发; 2)无论竞争周期如何变动,最终结果均是行业集中度提升,其中农夫山泉与华润怡宝能够穿越多轮周期。
  • 板块跌幅收窄,上涨个股数量增多
    2024 年 7 月,食品饮料板块下跌 2%,子板块有涨有跌。其中,预加工食品、保健品、啤酒、其它酒、软饮料等子板块表现优异,当月分别上涨 3.17%、2.70%、2.70%、4.13%和 4.88%。当月,对食品饮料整体拖累较大的是零食板块,后者下跌 6.82%。同期,沪深 300 下跌 0.47%,食品饮料板块跑输大盘。

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