(报告加工时间:2023-03-27 -- 2023-05-03)


  • 全球乳房植入物市场展望预测报告(2023-2028年)
    Breast implants are medical devices implanted under the breast tissue to enlarge breast size or replace breast tissues that have been removed due to cancer, trauma, or failure to develop symmetrically due to a severe abnormality in the breast (reconstruction). They are also used in revision surgeries, which seek to correct or improve the result of an original surgery. There are two types of breast implants approved for sale: saline-filled and silicone gel-filled. Both types have a silicone outer shell. They vary in size, shell thickness, shell surface texture, and shape (contour).
  • 全球生物催化剂市场展望预测报告(2022-2027年)
    Biocatalysts are natural substances used for increasing the speed of chemical reactions. They include enzymes produced from biological sources. Enzymes are produced from fungi, bacteria, animals, plants, and yeast. Biocatalysts are used in different industries for a variety of purposes. The demand for global biocatalysts is increasing due to rising awareness toward health and changing government policies. As the demand for biocatalysts is increasing, companies must increase the supply of raw materials for producing enzymes in bulk. Only biobased substances are used to make enzymes; therefore, companies are engaged in extensive research & development for enzyme development.
  • 全球假发和接发市场展望预测(2023-2028年)
    Hair wigs and toupées are used to conceal hair thinning, pattern baldness, bald spots, and hair loss along the hairline. They are used to cover either the entire head or partial portions. On the contrary, hair extensions are used to increase the volume and/or length of the hair. Hair wigs and extensions can be made by using human hair or synthetic fibers that resemble human hair. Currently, the demand for multi-colored and themed wigs for events such as Halloween and cosplays is high.
  • 全球纳滤膜市场展望预测(2023-2028年)
    Nanofiltration (NF) membrane is basically a membrane filtration-based process or liquid-separation technology that uses nanometer-sized through-pores. NF membranes have pore sizes of 1-10 nanometers, which is smaller than membranes used in microfiltration and ultrafiltration but larger than RO. NF provides a high rejection of multivalent ions, such as calcium, and a low rejection of monovalent ions, such as chloride. The nanofiltration technology is used to recycle wastewater due to the high flux rates and lower energy consumption than RO technology. In addition, NF is often employed in the manufacturing process for pharmaceuticals, textiles, dairy products, and bakeries.


  • 玻璃制造行业:浮法价格略涨,光玻库存天数持续减少

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