(报告加工时间:2017-12-18 -- 2017-12-24)


  • 全球吉他市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The rising number of concerts and live performances is a major driver for the growth of the global guitar market. The growing interest in music among the youth population has led to the formation of numerous musical bands that perform various types of music like blues, pop, rock, metal, and electronica. In addition, an increase in the disposable income of consumers is leading to a high demand for guitars in developing countries such as China and India. As a result of changing lifestyles and higher standards of living, individuals are motivated to spend on leisure activities such as music, which is likely to increase sales of musical instruments.
  • 全球焊接呼吸系统市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The global market for welding respiratory systems is expected to be driven by the increasing demand from key end-user industries such as manufacturing and construction. Stringent and comprehensive safety regulations also drive the growth of the market. However, the emergence of new and advanced welding techniques poses a challenge to the market as these techniques involve less manual input, which reduces the exposure time. Respiratory protection including welding respiratory protection is among the top-five violations cited by OSHA. Such high non-compliance is mainly due to wearer discomfort as well as negligence of worker safety. Another factor restricting market growth is the regular maintenance required for various components of respiratory protection equipment. Most employees fail to maintain the components of equipment including valves, tubes, cartridges, and facepiece, which is an integral factor for the efficient performance of equipment.
  • 全球机器人柔性洗衣机市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Since a long time, manufacturers and industrial users have faced the problem of grit, waste, and metal parts left behind after machining processes. The unwanted materials demanded cleaning and washing to keep the industrial floor space tidy, thus preventing them from harming personnel or assets, and ensuring the final product quality. Manual cleaning of such metal parts or components consumed a considerable amount of time and cost, and also resulted in the loss of productivity. With industries facing the issue of rising labor costs and productivity concerns, automated washing has emerged as a major necessity over the years.
  • 全球Epi晶圆市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The process of deposition of a crystalline layer on a crystalline-based semiconductor substrate is called epitaxy. Epi wafer is formed by the deposition of epitaxial devices, which are made up of nanolayers of semiconductor crystals on the deposition tools. An epi wafer, which is a combination of different semiconductor materials and dopants, helps determine the performance of photonics and RF semiconductor components. Factors such as increased demand for electronic devices like tablets, laptops, gaming consoles, and smartphones, advances in technology, growing electronics and semiconductor industries, and superior properties of epi wafer drive the global epi wafer manufacturing market.


  • 新能源行业:新能源汽车提速在即,动力电池掘金浪潮来临
    2011 年以来,我国新能源汽车行业经历了大规模的扩张。新能源汽车的产销量大幅提升带来动力电池需求的快速增长,2016 年我国动力电池出货量合计达到 30.5GWh,同比 2015 年的 17.0GWh 大幅度增长 79.4%,过去三年复合增长率高达 172.94%。2017 年新能源汽车行业经过短暂低迷又重新好转, 2017 年 10 月,锂电装机 3.35GWh,同比大增 77.25%,动力电池又重新回到快速上升通道。市场需求叠加政策 8GWh 产能门槛驱动,各大企业纷纷扩张产能,抢占市场,预计 2019 年我国动力电池产能有望突破 300GWh。 

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