(报告加工时间:2021-02-01 -- 2021-02-21)


  • 全球太阳能热水器市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Solar water heater, also known as domestic hot water system, is generally used as a cost-effective energy solution for hot water. It consists of solar collector and water tank. Solar water heater can be effective under different climate conditions and in isolated areas. This study provides information on the usage of solar water in various end-use industries. The market is segmented on the basis of type (glazed, unglazed), capacity (100 liter, 150 liter, 200 liter, and others), end user (residential, commercial, and industrial), and region (North America. Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA). The global solar water heater market analysis covers in-depth information about major industry participants. Some of the major players in the market include Himin Solar Energy Group, V-Guard Industries Ltd, Ariston Thermo SpA, KODSAN Company, Solav Energy, Zhejiang JiaDeLe Solar Co., Ltd., Sunpower Corporation, A.O. Smith, and Alternate Energy Technologies.
  • 全球数据中心精密空调市场展望(2020-2025年)
    The following standards and guidelines play a vital role in the design, adoption, and operation of data center cooling solutions and other related infrastructure. › Uptime Institute: The Uptime Institute is involved in certifying the data center property based on its design, development, operations, and reliable and redundant capabilities. It certifies data centers based on Tier I to Tier IV levels. Uptime certifies new facilities and existing ones. This certification is gaining importance among data center service operators. Irrespective of the certification, facilities operating N+1 redundant infrastructure are called Tier II/Tier III
  • 全球卷分条机市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Roll slitting or slitting is an integral part of the converting industry. It includes reducing the size of a master roll by slitting it into smaller and manageable rolls. Roll slitting machines are mainly available in two major types, namely, roll/log slitters and slitter rewinders. Roll/log slitting machines are utilized to cut master roll into rolls with smaller widths by slicing it, without the necessity of unwinding and rewinding the roll. Whereas a slitter rewinder is a sophisticated machine that enables unwinding, slitting, and rewinding of the master roll and thus, allow formation of much smaller rolls. The report on the global roll slitting machines market presents a detailed analysis of the trends, future estimations, and thorough study of the market depending on material, type, operation, and region. The type covered in the study include roll/log slitters and slitter rewinders. The report further provides information on material, which include paper, polymers, foil, and other. Moreover, it provides details about roll slitting machines depending on manual and automatic machines.
  • 全球包装机械市场前景预测(2020-2025年)
    The packaging industry is one of the most versatile & dynamic industries and is undergoing rapid transformations with the advent of new technologies. Consumer behavior, product demand, procurement of raw material, distribution and supply of machines are all expected to directly impact the demand for packaging in the future. On a macro level, high or low demand for packaging machinery is proportionally driven by industries, which involves packaging as a major part of their business.
  • 全球电源管理集成电路市场报告(2019-2027年)
    PMICs are used to manage power of an electronic device or in modules on devices that have a range of voltages. PMICs are highly efficient and are generally used for voltage conversion. It is highly compact, smaller in size, and suitable for hard to reach places in an electronic device. PMICs are primarily termed as solid-state drives, playing a vital role for controlling the direction and flow of electric power to perform basic electrical functions such as voltage conversion, power source selection, voltage scaling, and power sequencing. The scope of the report discusses the potential opportunities for the key players to enter the global power management integrated circuits market. Furthermore, it provides an in-depth analysis of the market, outlining current trends, key driving factors, and key area of investment. The report includes Porter’s five forces analysis to understand the competitive scenario of the industry and role of each stakeholder in the value chain. Moreover, it features the strategies adopted by key market players to maintain their foothold in the market.
  • 全球捕鱼设备市场报告(2021-2027年)
    The report covers detailed analysis of trends, future estimations, and a thorough study of the fishing equipment market on the basis of type, nature, distribution channel, and region. It analyzes government regulations, policies, and patents to provide information on current market trends and suggests future growth opportunities, globally. Furthermore, the study highlights Porter’s five forces analysis to determine factors affecting the market growth. These factors include raw material prices, intense competition, end user, manufacturers, and suppliers. To understand the market, drivers, restraints, and opportunities are explained in the report. Furthermore, it includes revenue generated from the sales of the fishing equipment market across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.
  • 全球重要标志监控设备市场展望预测(2020-2025年)
    Vital signs provide critical information about a patient’s health to identify acute medical problems, an indication of chronic disease state, and to understand how the body copes with physiological stress. The normal ranges of the four major vital signs (body temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and breathing rate) vary with age, gender, weight, as well as the overall health of the person. As vital signs can easily be monitored at home, it can assist individuals in early diagnosis of various medical conditions. This will make them undergo the required medical treatment on time without any further delay. The global vital signs monitoring devices market is expected to witness significant growth during the forecast period, owing to an increase in the importance of vital signs monitoring devices in home care settings and improved reimbursement scenario in developed countries. In addition, an increase in the geriatric population and a rise in the prevalence of cardiovascular disorders such as hypertension and other pre-existing health conditions, including COPD, sleep apnea, and infectious diseases, are fueling the demand for vital signs monitoring devices across the globe. Moreover, an increase in the use of vital signs monitoring devices for fitness monitoring and a rise in ambulatory surgery centers across various countries, which use vital signs monitoring devices routinely, fosters the market growth.


  • 硅料环节紧平衡贯穿全年,拥硅为王成主旋律
    硅料供需持续偏紧,预计2021 年硅料价格将会持续维持在高位;硅料行业扩产缓慢,新增产能短期难成有效供给;硅料价格上行,硅料企业盈利能力有效改善。
  • 硅料价格重返90元/kg,2020年风光并网量超预期彰显电网支持
    周中国家能源局公布2020年风电、光伏新增装机分别为72GW、48GW 超市场预期,彰显电网对新能源消纳支持态度;福斯特公告全年盈喜收涨24.9%,四季度受益扩产加速以及涨价传导成本压力。继中美欧三大能源消费体可再生能源发展目标提升,日韩相继宣布目标2050 年实现碳中和,我们认为未来10 年全球光伏新增装机有望加速,看好光伏产业链全面受益。
  • 青海储能补贴政策落地,新能源配储能拐点来临-点评报告
    2021 年1 月18 日,青海省发改委、科技厅、工信厅、能源局联合下发《关于印发支持储能产业发展若干措施(试行)的通知》。此次推出明确储能补贴及储能装机量,或将引起全国范围内储能补贴政策落地。青海地区弃风弃光率较高,储能成为“刚需”;储能锂电池需求高增,磷酸铁锂电池产业链受益
  • 机械设备行业:工程机械业绩持续兑现,关注新能源等高成长方向
    我国工业机器人产量创新高,关注本土品牌国产替代机会。2020 年12 月我国工业机器人产量为2.97 万台(套),同比增长32.4%,1-12 月累计生产23.71 万(套),同比增长19.1%,创下我国工业机器人单年产量纪录。关注掌握本体、零部件核心能力,在工业自动化赋能进程中长期受益的综合型供应商埃斯顿,子公司北京克鲁斯与三一重装签订1.04 亿合同,为后者提供机器人焊接相关设备及技术服务,埃斯顿由此实现向新领域下游的市场推进。关注克来机电,公司已获得南北大众、德国大众MEB CO2冷媒管路定点,有望受益MEB 标配CO2 冷媒车型推出、放量,拳头产品在Tesla 供应链(Model 3)亦有突围机会。
  • 机械行业:2020年机械复盘报告
  • 家用电器行业:白电结构性升级持续,均价提升迎来高景气-1月投资策略
    白电推荐战略升级科技主导的美的集团、建议关注效率提升推进的海尔智家和渠道优化推进的格力电器;厨电推荐高增长、强激励的集成灶龙头火星人、建议关注受益竣工回暖的老板电器;小家电建议关注受益海外需求增长、叠加欧洲市场拓展推进、2020-21 盈利高弹性,有望成为全球小家电龙头的JS 环球生活、高景气的扫地机器人头部企业科沃斯以及国内小家电龙头小熊电器、苏泊尔。
  • 家用电器行业:四季度基金持仓点评,白电重仓比例大幅提升-专题报告
    2020 年四季度家电板块公募基金重仓比例环比提升0.61pct 至4.67%,处于近十年来57%左右分位,环比提升幅度位于所有长江一级行业中第5 位;对应到板块涨跌幅层面,四季度长江家电制造指数累计上涨23.12%,分别跑赢沪深300 及上证综指9.63pct及15.41pct,涨幅在所有长江一级行业中排名第4 位;全年来看,家电板块基金重仓比例在一季度大幅下挫,且二、三季度连续小幅下滑,四季度在经营回暖驱动下重仓比例企稳回升,全年仍累计下滑1.68pct,当前仍位居所有长江一级行业的第5 位,仅次于食品饮料、医疗保健、电子及电力与新能源设备,与2019 年年末的行业排序保持一致。
  • 机械设备行业:持续加仓机械设备,重视制造业崛起-公募基金20Q4持仓分析
    持续加仓机械设备。自19Q4 以来机械设备行业基金配置表现了良好加仓趋势。20Q4 机械设备行业整体配置比例3.68%,较上季度环比增加0.21 个百分点;行业低配比例缩窄至17Q4 以来最低水平。截止20Q4,机械设备持仓总市值750.9 亿元,较上季度增长39.1%。
  • 大众ID.4正式发布,风光新增装机大超预期
    2020 年以来,新能源汽车产品力不断提升,优质供给层出不穷,新能源汽车To C 端市场逐步打开。光伏风电板块行业需求超预期的增长下,部分龙头公司业绩也大幅预增,拉动板块投资情绪。
  • 机械设备行业:工程机械、新能源景气旺盛,制造业持续复苏建议关注通用自动化板块-跟踪周报
    据CME 观测,2021 年1 月挖掘机(含出口)销量约20500 台,同比+106%左右。其中,国内市场销量约17000 台,同比+112%;出口市场销量约3500 台,同比+60%。一方面,2020 年春节在1 月,受节日影响基数较低。
  • ID.4正式开启预售,2020年国内太阳能发电、风电新增装规模超预期
    随着新能源汽车销售结构与质量的持续改善,以及Model Y、ID 系列等优质新车型的不断推出,供给将驱动需求变革,新能源汽车渗透率有望加速提升,预计2021 年销量实现快速增长。未来随着光伏、风电等能源装机规模占比的提升和储能成本的下降,新能源+储能有望成为行业标配,储能领域有望迎来发展契机。
  • 机械行业:12月行业持续回暖,高景气有望延续2021-月报
    2020 年12 月26 日-2021 年1 月25 日,沪深300 上涨11.58%,机械板块上涨8.36%,跑输大盘3.22 个百分点,在申万所有一级行业中位于第10 位,18 个子行业10 跌8 涨,其中表现最好的5 个子行业分别为工程机械、铁路设备、其它通用机械、机械基础件、冶金矿采化工设备,分别上涨23.30%、13.33%、7.74%、6.54%和6.13%。
  • 清洁化、电气化、市场化,三主线助推“十四五形成清洁能源充分参与的电力市场零售竞争模式

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