(报告加工时间:2021-06-28 -- 2021-07-11)



  • 全球宠物保险市场趋势&预测2026
    The Pet Insurance Market is growing and hold a strong demand across globe. Due to the continuous Investment by key players and growing need because of the increasing effectiveness towards high cost of the treatment over the past decade will foster the market in coming years. Market has observed considerable growth in recent years owing to the rise in awareness, increase in number of pet suffering from illness, diseases and higher reimbursement.
  • 全球活动行业机会分析和行业预测(2021-2028年)
    The global events industry is analyzed on the basis of its prospect and future growth rate. The report highlights numerous factors that influence the growth of the global events industry. These include market forecast, drivers, restraints, opportunities, and role of different key players operating in the market. The report is analyzed on the basis of various segments, including type, revenue source, organizer, and age group. Furthermore, it includes the revenue generated from the events held across North America, Europe, Asia- Pacific, and LAMEA.


  • 休闲服务行业:奈雪的茶正式挂牌上市,疫情控制后暑期旅游旺季促客流修复
    自去年7 月1 日海南离岛免税新政以来,一年来免税销售额同比增长226%,达468 亿元,日均1.28 亿元,日均购物旅客1.9 万人次,同比增102%。据海关,销售金额前三大商品分别为化妆品、手表、首饰,合计销售金额占比71.5%。:(1)据中国铁路微信公众号消息,7 月1 日,2021 年铁路暑运正式拉开帷幕,8 月31 日结束,共计62 天。暑运期间,全国铁路预计发送旅客7.5 亿人次,与2019 年基本持平,客流高峰日预计发送旅客近1400 万人次;(2)7 月1 日,海口美兰国际机场2021 年旅客吞吐量突破1000 万人次,同比大幅度增长65%,较去年旅客吞吐量破千万人次大关提前了79 天。


  • 贸易自由化、加成率离散度与企业内资源配置效率

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