(报告加工时间:2017-04-17 -- 2017-04-23)


  • 石化汇编-第800期
    2017 年,国企改革如何加快推进?国务院国资委副秘书长彭华岗认为,2017年,国企改革要坚持问题导向,力争在重要领域和关键环节取得实效,使国有企业改革各项政策落地生根、开花结果。具体来说,要全面推进中央企业分类改革,深入推进公司制股份制和混合所有制改革,继续推进改组组建国有资本投资运营公司,加快建立市场化选人用人机制。


  • 全球去角质和磨砂市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Fast-moving consumer goods, consumer electronics, apparel, sports equipment, and beauty products have considerable growth potential globally. We expect the demand for these products to increase with the growing disposable income of consumers and the rising population of millennials (millennial generation, born in between 1980-2000), an attractive target group for these products.
  • 全球水胶体市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Hydrocolloids are a group of long chain polymers that are generally known for their property of forming viscous dispersions and gels when dispersed in water. These polymers are derived naturally from the exudates of trees or bushes, extracts of plants and seaweeds, flours from seeds or grains, and from the gummy slimes from fermentation processes. The presence of a large number of hydroxyl groups in hydrocolloids and in water increases the affinity of hydrocolloids to bind the water molecules and form hydrophilic compounds. They also produce a dispersion which exhibits the properties of a colloid, and is in an intermediate state between a true solution and a suspension.
  • 全球风味和香料市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Flavors and fragrances mainly comprise a class of compounds such as esters, alcohol, acids, lactones, aldehydes, and ketones. These are derived from natural and synthetic compounds and are used to enhance the appeal of consumer goods, and food products and beverages. The global flavors and fragrances market includes flavor blends, fragrance blends, essential oils, and aroma chemicals. The formulation of flavors and fragrances involves mixing and blending of different ingredients.


  • 农药行业:草甘膦进入需求淡季
    草甘膦行业开工率追踪: 2017 年 3 月,草甘膦行业平均开工率 72.9% (+1.2%,月环比,下 同),TTM 开工率上升至 66.5%(+2.3%)。大厂(产能在 5 万吨及以上的企业)开工率 76.1%(-1.2%),TTM 开工率上升至 74.7%(+1.0%);小厂开工率 60.0%(+11.2%),TTM 开 工率上升至 37.9%(+4.4%)。草甘膦 3 月均价环比继续回落。目前草甘膦价格为 21500 元/吨(95%原粉华东地区价格), 月均价继续回落,主要原因是之前原材料全线过快上涨带动草甘膦价格快速上涨,尤其是甘 氨酸,目前甘氨酸、IDAN 等原材料价格高位回落,导致草甘膦价格跟跌,仅黄磷价格异常坚 挺。2017年3月草甘膦华东市场均价为22484元/吨,同比上涨26.5%,月均价环比下降4.3%。 

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