A self-service kiosk is an interactive device that empowers customers to conduct transactions or access services conveniently. For instance, customers can purchase train or bus tickets, check-in at hotels, manage office inventories, or check in for flights without waiting in long lines or seeking assistance. The global self-service kiosk market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.71% over the forecast period. North America and Europe, followed by APAC, are expected to witness significant self- service kiosk demand. However, the Middle East and Latin America are likely to develop opportunities with the opening of new business projects of branded retail shops and expansion of established firms in these areas, especially in the retail and food & beverage industries.
Profession AV solutions or pro AV equipment are systems involved in transmitting multiple high-quality live audio and video signals, among other transmissions, uncompressed in nature, to multiple devices. The pro AV systems are broadly used in live events, broadcast facilities, commercial installations, recording, and post- production. Sound reinforcement equipment and solutions form the backbone of any pro AV system, installed or portable.
全球 Wi-Fi 热点市场(2024-2028年)
A Wi-Fi hotspot refers to a wireless access point that provides Internet connectivity using Wi-Fi technology. It enables users to connect their Wi-Fi-enabled devices, such as smartphones, tablets, or laptops, to access the Internet wirelessly. Wi-Fi hotspots are commonly found in public places such as cafes, airports, hotels, or libraries, allowing users to connect to the Internet and enjoy online activities conveniently without the use of physical cables.
全球车辆 RFID 标签市场预测报告(2024-2028年)
RFID technology uses radio waves to identify devices automatically. Vehicle RFID tags are those that are placed on windshields and license plates for functions such as electronic toll collection, electronic vehicle registration, and vehicle access and payment. RFID tags include memory chips, integrated circuits (ICs), and antennas to receive and send data to the reader. The growing demand for the reduction of traffic congestion and time to pay tolls is scaling the adoption of wireless communication technologies such as RFID in the automotive industry. The use of these technologies reduces the time spent to pay toll amounts, which improves the efficiency and productivity of the toll booths.
Vendor management software is a software application that helps organizations manage their supplier relationships and expedite the procurement process. It makes contract management, order processing, performance tracking, and vendor selection easier. Organizations may improve sourcing and procurement efficiency, reduce costs, assure compliance, and optimize their supply chains with the use of vendor management software. Organizations that are interested in efficiently handling their vendor ecosystem, increasing efficiency, reducing risks, and getting the most out of their supplier relationships must have this software.