(报告加工时间:2018-04-23 -- 2018-05-01)



  • 金属硬脂酸市场分析及分部预测至2025年
    The metallic stearates are defined as the metal salts of an 18-carbon chain fatty acid stearic acid. The global metallic stearates market has been segmented based on product, application, and region. In terms of product, the market has been categorized into five major segments, including zinc stearate, calcium stearate, aluminum stearate, magnesium stearate, and others. Zinc stearate is produced using Zn-salts such as ZnO, ZnCl2, and ZnSO4. Oxides, hydroxides, sulfate, and chloride salts of aluminum, magnesium, and calcium react with stearic acid to produce the respective salts. The others product scope includes nickel stearate, copper stearate, lithium stearate, and sodium stearate.
  • 高性能合金市场分析及分部预测至2024年
    High Performance Alloys market is witnessing a growth, because of its extensive use in the aerospace industry, and industrial gas turbines, along with automobiles, electrical & electronics industry, where its replacing the traditionally used metals. The demand will sustain to grow considering the need of improved performance of the machines and use of alloys help to boost the performance of the equipment it is used in. The demand is expected to be driven majorly by demand from the aerospace industry.


  • 有色金属行业:工业金属普涨,锂钴回调
    美国制裁俄铝持续发酵,中美贸易硝烟又起,基本金属普遍上涨;美制裁俄铝影响持续,铝价强势上行;铜进口增长提升需求预期,铜价未来看好;铅锌需求增加,下游拿货意愿有所改善,价格有望回升;锂钴价格短期回调属正常波动,3 月动力电池装机量大增,新能源车进入旺季带动锂钴需求,长期向好趋势不变;避险需求短期仍将影响金价震荡上行;环保督察或再升温,稀土钨钼锗等稀有小金属均受影响。
  • 有色金属行业:继续看好钴金银,短期关注电解铝
    本周 LME 铝、镍、锌、锡、铜、铅涨幅依次为9.38%、6.83%、4.43%、3.34%、2.18%、1.45%。本周俄铝被制裁事件继续发酵,伦沪铝价格出现大涨,此外受海德鲁巴西工厂减产影响,海外氧化铝价格近期出现激增,巴西氧化铝成交价达到 800 美元/吨,创历史新高。
  • 有色金属行业:俄铝事件致伦铝疯狂上行,黄金多空双方对垒
    海外市场,由于特朗普称将对俄罗斯实施最严厉制裁,俄铝事件持续发酵,美元走弱,伦铝疯狂上行,最高至 2559 美元,涨幅一度超过 6%,创近六年半以来新高,收于 2548 美元。美国对俄铝制裁打乱了全球的铝供应链,致使全球今年的供需缺口将比预期更大,导致短期铝价疯涨。俄铝因受到制裁,其公司的氧化铝无法交易,引发市场担忧,促使氧化铝价格一路上行,导致电解铝成本上行。我们认为,期铝短期强势,长期来看价格将回归合理范围。关注中国铝业。 

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