(报告加工时间:2021-10-18 -- 2021-10-24)



  • 电力-第860期
    8 月 27 日,财政部公布《2021 年上半年中国财政政策执行情况报告》。报告称,优化可 再生能源发电补贴政策,下达可再生能源电价附加补助资金预算 890 亿元,支持光伏、风电 等可再生能源发电。加快补贴清单公布确权,纾解可再生能源发电企业融资难题。
  • 电力-第863期
    国家发展改革委 9 月 21 日消息,近期,国家发改委、国家能源局联合派出督导组,赴相关重点省份和企业、港口开展能源保供稳价工作督导。
  • 电力-第861期
    据国家发展改革委 9月7日消息,近期,国家发展改革委、国家能源局正式复函国家电网公司、南方电网公司,推动开展绿色电力交易试点工作。
  • 电力-第862期
    9 月 14 日,国家能源局正式印发《公布整县(市、区)屋顶分布式光伏开发试点名单的通知》,国能综通新能〔2021〕84 号,将各地报送的试点县(市、区)名单予以公布。


  • 全球网关集中器或变电站行业分析和竞争研究(2021-2030年)
    Increasing developments, such as advanced SCADA and communication technologies, are driving the substation market. The communication channel is an integral part of the substation automation as all the IEDs and monitoring devices that are located at the substation and on the field generate data that has to be passed on to the utility data center, which is remotely located. However, the lack of interoperability and global standards are restricting industry growth. Manufacturers in the industry are increasingly focusing on building common standards to eliminate the issue.
  • 全球燃气表市场报告(2021-2028年)
    Gas meter is used to measure gas usage in residential, industrial, and commercial areas. The report focuses on two kind of gas meters, which include traditional gas meter and smart gas meter. The traditional gas meters only measure gas usage, whereas smart gas meters are responsible for prevention of gas leakage along with gas measurement. Moreover, the report analyzes the current market trends of gas meter in different geographies and suggests the future growth opportunities by analyzing government regulations & policies. The report covers profiles of the key industry participants in the gas meter market such as General Electric, Itron, Elster, Landis+Gyr, ABB, Aclara, and Badger Meter.
  • 全球电动汽车EV变速器市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Transmission is a component inside the vehicle, which is installed to transfer mechanical power from the engine for spinning the wheels. Electric vehicles are generally installed with single-speed transmission. However, leading players in the electric vehicle (EV) transmission market are launching new multi speed transmission with added features for high performance and efficient energy conversion. Electric vehicles with multi-speed transmission offer better performance than single-speed transmission systems in terms of faster acceleration, top speed, gradeability with driving range, and others.


  • 统筹“四对关系” 有效防范极端天气与气候灾难对我国能源体系转型的冲击


  • 公用事业行业:电价市场化改革进一步推进-简评报告
    根据生产应用环节不同,电价包括不同内容。电力从生产到应用,其 链条包括发电、输电、配电以及用电等环节。根据生产应用环节的不 同,电价也分为上网电价、输配电价以及销售电价。其中,上网电价 对应发电环节,输配电价对应输电、配电环节,销售电价对应用电环 节。
  • 不容忽视的能源真相-宏观点评
    在简单汇总一些事实后,我们可以得出三个比较明显的结论: (1)当下席卷全球的能源问题,表面看是短期供求错配、政策低估外 生冲击和各种微观博弈的结果,背后不可忽视的真相是大自然的力量。 (2)地球气候系统正在加速接近剧变的临界点,高温严寒带来的能源 需求增量和少风缺水造成的能源供给减量可能演变为长期问题。 (3)大自然的转变是不可逆转的,人类的能源革命既在和大自然赛跑, 也在和自己赛跑。化石能源在某个时间节点的紧缺程度以及可再生能源 对于未来的重要性,可能都会不断超出预期。
  • 新能源行业:风电、光伏大基地建设有序开启
    新能源板块股价普遍回升。上周香港恒生指数上涨1.99%,恒生综指上涨1.71%,恒 生中国企业指数上涨2.17%。万得港股新能源概念股指数上涨1.4%,表现在板块中 排名第四。从PE(TTM)对比情况来看,万得港股新能源概念股指数估值较高,可排第 四位,仅低于恒生医疗保健指数、恒生非必需性消费业指数、恒生资讯科技业指数。
  • 电力行业:火电电价机制改革加速深化,江苏山东交易价格已接近20%上限
    行情回顾:本周电力板块下跌8.5%,沪深300 指数上涨0.04%, 电力板块跑输大盘8.54 个百分点。2021 年初至今电力板块上涨 15.64%,沪深300 指数同期下跌5.36%,电力板块年初至今累计 跑赢大盘21 个百分点。分子板块看,本周火电、水电和燃气板 块涨跌幅分别为-12.04%、-6.83%和-12.87%。
  • 公用事业及环保行业:发改委上调煤电市场化交易电价上浮空间
    市场回顾:2021 年10 月上半月(10.01-10.15)电力及公用事业指数下跌8.90%,沪深300 指数上涨2.03%,电力及公用事业板块跑输大盘10.93 个百分点。

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