(报告加工时间:2018-09-25 -- 2018-10-07)


  • 泰国旅游报告 - 2018年第四季度
    Thailand's tourism industry is one of the best developed in the world and in the Asia-Pacific region in particular. The growth prospects of the market are exceptionally bright with the country have firmly established itself as a premier tourism destination catering to all types of travellers in all budget categories. With very strong growth potential and a long-standing reputation, the tourism industry in Thailand is well developed with a resilient reputation. The hotel market is diverse and competitive, particularly in the most established destinations, including Phuket and Bangkok. Thailand continues to attract investor interest with hotel developers drawn by rising visitor numbers and a growing list of new and established tourist sites.
  • 俄罗斯旅游报告 - 2018年第四季度
    Russia has enormous unexploited potential as a tourism destination; however, the structural challenges facing developers are commensurate with the rewards on offer. Outside of St Petersburg and Moscow, transport infrastructure is underdeveloped and there is only limited awareness of the attractions on offer. Corruption is a major barrier to private investors, as are bureaucratic hurdles which make new developments time consuming and costly. Despite these barriers, Russia remains an attractive market as inbound arrivals are increasing and the government is taking steps to develop tourism related infrastructure.
  • 新加坡旅游报告 - 2018年第四季度
    Singapore's tourism industry benefits largely from its strategic location at the heart of Asia Pacific. It will continue to leverage its strong network of infrastructure for sea, road and air travel maintaining its position as a stopover destination in the region. The city-state, however, offers a diversified range of activities for tourists beyond this. Combined with a dynamic hotel sector offering, Singapore will continue to be an attractive place for investors.
  • 合同餐饮市场 - 全球展望预测(2018-2023年)
    The Global Contract Catering Market is undergoing a drastic change wherein companies and institutions alike are looking for initiatives that enable them to focus their energy and resources on their core capabilities and goals. In recent years, the cost-cutting culture has prompted many organizations to outsource most of their non-core tasks, including food service, to service providers.


  • 出境游行业:“多强鼎立的OTA与差异化经营的旅行社-深度研究之三
  • 餐饮旅游行业:整体景气继续,增速略有收窄-出境游月报
  • 社会服务行业:市场见底情况下社服行业配置策略
    社服板块作为朝阳行业的代表,仍然保持较高速的增长。①行业数据:除了酒店受到差旅因素影响,增速略放缓外,其他行业仍然保持了正常增速,出境游+15%,年免税行业提速,北京上海和三亚免税营收增长 30+%。②公司数据:2018 年上半年社服板块表现强劲,超过50%的公司收入增速高于 10%,其中腾邦国际收入增速 82%,中国国旅收入增速 68%;三分之一的公司归母利润超 40%,其中新智认知归母利润增速达 55%,中国国旅归母利润增速 48%。
  • 餐饮旅游行业:规模化餐饮必然出路-中央厨房深度报告
  • 社会服务行业:游乐设施龙头上市,行业格局将如何演变?
    国内两大游乐设施代表企业中山金马、文旅科近期将分别通过直接、间接方式登陆 A 股。2017 年我国游乐设施行业收入估计在 240 亿人民币以上,根据美国经验,游乐设施行业在成熟阶段仍然能保持大个位数可观增长。展望未来,高科技游乐设施是国内主题公园的发展方向。我们认为,中山金马在上市后有望在保持机械式游乐设施领域优势地位的同时,借助资本市场快速向高科技设施赛道切换;而文旅科技在曲线上市后有望借助资本平台获得发展新动力。本周继续重点推荐免税行业巨头中国国旅,酒店行业龙头首旅酒店、锦江股份,景区板块演艺龙头宋城演艺、海洋公园龙头海昌海洋公园、休闲景区稀缺标的中青旅,餐饮板块食品及餐饮双主业驱动的广州酒家,其他自然景区股建议关注黄山旅游、峨眉山 A、三特索道、桂林旅游、丽江旅游、天目湖等。 
  • 餐饮旅游行业:擘肌分理,细看美团点评盈利能力-深度分析
  • 餐饮行业:下一个千亿市值龙头,海底捞与呷哺呷哺深度比较-深度研究

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