(报告加工时间:2019-06-03 -- 2019-07-28)



  • 印度纺织业报告(2019-2023年)
    India is a global textile of the competition price-based. Many global apparel brands produce parts of their ranges in Indmanufacturing hub boasting some 24% of the world’s spindle capacity, and 8% of global rotor capacity as of FY2018. The country also reported a 63% share, the world’s highest, of loom capacity including hand looms, as of the same year. Textile companies in India are almost exclusively privately-held, and the share of the unorganised segment is substantial. In spite of the rising purchasing power of Indians, the country is still substantially challenged by poverty, which makes consumers price-sensitive and much ia, or source their yarn and fabrics from the country. This proximity to source makes the entry of global fashion brands into India appealing and economical because of the lower shipping and distribution costs involved in selling to the domestic market.
  • 户外运动服装市场(2018-2025年)
    The global outdoor sports apparel market is analyzed based on its prospect and future growth rate. The report highlights numerous factors that influence the growth of the outdoor sports apparel market. These include market forecast, drivers, restraints, opportunities, and role of different key players operating in the market. The report is analyzed for outdoor sports apparel by mode of sale such as retail stores, supermarkets, discount stores, brand outlets, and online stores. Moreover, it focuses on the end user segment, which includes men, women, and kids. Furthermore, it includes the revenue generated from the sales of outdoor sports apparel across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.


  • 纺织与服装行业:纺服基金持仓处低位,休闲服饰板块基金持仓提升-基金二季报总结
    以申万行业分类为标准,19Q2 纺织服装行业基金持仓市值占比 0.31%,位列第 27 位,处于相对较低水平。19Q2 纺织服装行业基金持仓市值占比环比降低 0.19 个百分点,纺织服装行业占 A 股市值比为0.81%,与之相较基金持仓占比低配 0.51pct,高于 19Q1 低配水平(0.25pct),低配比例扩大,主因基金持仓市值下降。
  • 纺织服装珠宝行业:需求压力尚存,龙头表现优异-2019上半年业绩预览
    根据国家统计局数据,服装鞋帽、针纺织品类 1 至 6 月限额以上单位商品零售额同比增长 3%至 6,560 亿元,全行业规模以上零售表现相较过往年度趋于缓和,所幸 1-5 月纺织服装服饰业产成品各月期末存货同比均减轻7%以上。因此我们判断全行业即便需求放缓,但库销状况仍属健康。2019年 2 季度经历了中美贸易摩擦的迅速升温与缓和,下游客户对国际贸易不确定性的担忧拖累服装出口表现:2019 年上半年服装及衣着附件出口额 656.1亿美元,同比下降 4.9%。

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