(报告加工时间:2021-09-27 -- 2021-10-07)


  • 中国电子信息行业运行情况月度报告(2021年1-2月)
  • EMIS Insights - 中国移动通信设备制造业 2021年第三季度
    中国的移动通信设备制造业可大致分为通信终端设备制造子行业(例如手机)和通信站设备制造子行 业(例如基站和物联网通信模块)。工业和信息化部(以下简称“工信部”)报告显示,受移动通信站设 备销售增长驱动,2020年该行业收入同比增长4.7%o 
  • 中国软件行业运行情况月度报告(2021年1-6月)
  • 中国通信行业运行情况月度报告(2021年1-4月)
  • 中国通信行业运行情况月度报告(2021年1-6月)
  • 2021Q1中国第三方支付季度数据发布报告
    2021年第1季度,中国第三方移动支付交易规模增长至74.0万亿,同比增长39.1%。 本季度的主要增长动力来自于春节季产生的个人应用板块交易规模以及移动金融板 块交易规模的增长。 本季度是春节季,社交红包转账带动个人应用板块增长明显,板块整体占比季节性 提升至54.7%。相对而言,2020年四季度的消费效应消退,移动消费板块占比出现 明显回落。本季度,投资市场热度仍旧较高,带来金融板块交易规模的稳定增长, 板块占比进一步提升至23.7%。
  • 中国电子信息行业运行情况月度报告(2021年1-6月)
  • 2020年中国容器云市场研究报告
    容器的发展历史:2013年Docker容器引擎以及2015年Kubernetes容器编排的开源推动容器技术在全 球范围内受到广泛关注。目前容器技术在国内发展主要经历了三个阶段,分别是2014-2016年的技术探 索期、2017-2018年的行业试水期以及2019年以后的规模应用期。作为一种新兴的资源调度以及应用 封装方式,容器与国内欣欣向荣的云计算产业发展紧密结合,为企业提供更高效的容器云服务。我国的容器云市场:从技术角度上看容器(云)在国内市场已经进入成熟阶段,云技术密集行业的头部 企业已经对容器云的应用价值给予了肯定。在目前的公有云市场上容器已经广泛地覆盖了20%~35%的 虚拟化应用,预计这一数字到2025年将会成长到50%~75%;预计2020年末基于容器的私有云系统平 台市场规模将会达到15.2亿元,到2025年将会超过60亿元。我国容器云市场将继续保持高速增长。
  • 2021年中国网络广告年度洞察报告-产业篇
    伴随防疫的常态化,同时企业应对疫情不断优化自身结构、外部环境经济复苏、数字化技 术广泛普及以及更加多元的营销形式成熟之后,广告市场进入精细化、高效化的发展阶段。
  • 中国电子信息行业运行情况月度报告(2021年1-3月)
  • 中国二手电商行业洞察2021
  • 2021中国第三方支付市场数字化发展专题分析


  • 全球5G企业市场(2020-2027年)
    5G enterprise is based on the fifth generation wireless communication technology, which is upgraded from 4G wireless network. It is obtained by using high frequency and short range band of radio spectrum. 5G Enterprise provides low latency and high internet. It delivers speed of network performance more than 1Gbps, which is 10 times faster than 4G network. 5G enterprise is a technology that allows businesses to enable various mmWaves, which will enable enterprise to setup their own private wireless platform to cover a large area and wide range of operation. It also enables the high-tech platform for internet of things, which is important in the implementation of industry 4.0 and industrial automation.
  • 全球云 POS 市场报告(2020-2028年)
    payments from anywhere, as long as you have a 3G, 4G or Wi-Fi connection. Chip, non-contact or swipe cards should be processed through a card reader, but there are many integrated and wireless card machines that can be used with cloud-based POS systems. Management functions can be accessed through a web browser anywhere. All cloud-based POS data is stored in the cloud, highly secure. Usually, no data is stored on your devices, unless your POS app can be offline temporarily, while your device saves the change until the next time you are online. If you lose all of your hardware, you still have instant access to sales and system data when you sign in on a new computer or mobile phone. The POS provider automatically performs any security updates required for the software.
  • 全球虚拟活动市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Virtual event is a digitally simulated proceeding, which covers a wide range of activities, from video and audio conferencing to live streaming and broadcasting. These events are conducted by companies during product launch and introduction of new services. The report highlights numerous factors that influence the growth of the global virtual events market. These include market forecast, drivers, restraints, opportunities, and role of different key players operating in the market.
  • 全球机器人软件市场报告(2021-2030年)
    A robot software is a set of coded commands on a robot which tells which set of steps to be taken on certain conditions. Furthermore, use of robot software helps companies with various advantages such as increasing productivity of the organization, reducing human errors, automating the entire process and enhancing the quality of the work. Robot software is used in a wide range of industries including healthcare, defense, aerospace, automotive and infrastructure. Robots are used for numerous activities encompassing assembling products, detecting and defusing bombs, surgical operations, product inspection, space missions, cleaning and household chores. Furthermore, various industries across the globe are adopting robot software for carrying out repetitive task and time-consuming task efficiently. In addition, manufacturers increasingly prefer process automation owing to the rise in labor costs and the need to increase productivity thus driving the growth of the market
  • 全球数据仓库市场(2021-2028年)
    Data warehousing is the technique of creating a data warehouse in which data from different data sources is stored. In addition, data stored in a data warehouse helps organizations deliver enhanced business intelligence solutions to end users and provide a competitive advantage in the market. In addition, various businesses are using data warehouses to enhance their data quality and improve their decision making capability.
  • 全球嵌入式处理器市场报告(2021-2028年)
    An embedded processor is especially designed for embedded systems and can handle multiple processors in real time. It handles all the computational and logical operation of a computer. They are in a form of computer chips that are embedded in various microcontrollers and microprocessors to control various electrical and mechanical systems. These processors also offer features such as storing and retrieving data from the memory.


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