(报告加工时间:2016-09-26 -- 2016-10-07)


  • 全球心肺自体输血系统市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Cardiopulmonary diseases are disorders that affect the normal functions of the heart and lungs. Disorders in any one organ can affect the other as well. For instance, a person with chronic heart disease has difficulty pumping oxygenated blood to the lungs. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) account for a major portion of cardiopulmonary diseases. Various organizations such as WHO state CVDs to be the main cause of mortality worldwide. A 2015 research study by WHO estimated that about 17.5 million people (31% of the total global population) worldwide died due to CVDs in 2012.
  • 全球癌症诊断设备市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Cancer is a diverse disease that can originate in different organs and tissues, with each type being associated with different risk factors. For instance, breast cancers have phenotypic and genotypic characteristics and recurrence risks. Similarly, leukemia is the cancer of the blood cells and solid tumors occur in organs such as lungs or liver. The American Cancer Society estimates that cancer is the second most common cause of death (22.8%), following heart diseases (26.6%). In 2015, the organization estimated 1,658,370 new cancer cases and 589,430 cancer-related deaths in the US. In the same year, EU estimated 1,359,100 cancer-related deaths. The disease is prevalent among people aged 60 and above and may account for an increase of 45% by 2030 worldwide. The diagnostic methods of cancer are complicated and involve multi-step processes. Some individuals may experience prolonged pauses during diagnosis, which can be caused by various factors related to individuals, physicians, and healthcare systems.
  • 全球水泥搅拌车市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The major raw materials required for the production of cement are limestone, clay, sandstone, and gypsum. These raw materials are proportionally mixed at different stages of the production process to produce an intermediate product called clinker and then the final product. Cement is one of the most essential raw materials used in the construction industry. It eliminates the need for additional support in buildings, making it the most suitable binding product for construction. This is important considering that the demand for cement remains unaffected despite price fluctuations.
  • 全球牙科修复市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Dental prosthetics, also referred to as prosthodontics and prosthetic dentistry, is the field of dentistry that deals with dental prostheses. Among the several areas of dental segments, prosthetic dentistry remains special due to multiple prosthetic treatments performed that includes implants, cosmetic dentistry, replacements, and repairs of all kinds of conditions related to oral tissues and faulty or missing tooth.


  • 专用设备行业:碳纤维复合材料引领轻量化浪潮-制造业轻量化专题研究报告(一)
    当制造业遭遇经济不振需求下滑,轻量化有望成为制造业发展的突破口。以新能源汽车产业为例,为了解决新能源汽车续航里程短的问题,在能源效率短期很难实现较大突破的现实下,汽车轻量化逐渐引起产业关注。同样的在轨交车辆和航空飞行器制造方面,轻量化改造也起到了举足轻重的作用。目前的轻量化主要涉及4 大材料:碳纤维复合材料、铝合金、镁合金、高强度钢。对这些材料的选择,往往要从成本、与金属的连接、修复及回收等方面进行综合考量。轻量化带来的不仅仅是材料的革新,更是产业链的重整和制造装备的需求激活。
  • 专用设备行业:金属切割与焊接,“工业背后的工业-“匠心制造系列研究报告

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