Football, also known as soccer, is a famous sport across the globe, especially in European countries. Football
leagues such as the FIFA World Cup, UEFA Champions League, and UEFA European Championship promotes
market growth. Football leagues used to do a huge promotions such as sponsorship, promotion of jerseys,
broadcasting matches, and making of football anthems during world cups with celebrity endorsement, which
increases interest of playing football among customers. Furthermore, a football league generates enormous
income. Thus, the increasing trend of football leagues influence the investors as well. Mainly these investors are
the sports brands, which seek opportunity in their brand promotion through sponsorship and investments.
Moreover, there are some football associations that promote interest of customers in the football market. Such
football associations are present in almost every city or country. Furthermore, these promotions encourage
fitness and health-conscious customers to adopt football as sports or use it in exercises. Hence, such factors
promote growth of the football market.