(报告加工时间:2022-05-30 -- 2022-06-05)


  • 全球增压压缩机市场(2021-2030年)
    Booster compressor system is the equipment used in increasing the pressure coming from given compressor system through additional compression stages. The key advantages of booster compressor include high pressure production ability, portability, continuous high-pressure operation, reliability, and others. In addition, key features of booster compressor include compact size, easy installation, less noise, and others.
  • 全球暖通空调过滤器市场报告(2021-2028年)
    HVAC filters are the most vital equipment in maintaining air quality in indoor spaces. It is utilized to filter impurities in air such as pollutants, pollen, and dust in enclosed spaces to provide outlet for cleaner and healthier air. The report on the global HVAC filters market presents a detailed analysis of the trends, future estimations, and thorough study of the market based on material, technology, application, and region.
  • 全球高尔夫球车市场报告(2021-2028年)
    A golf cart is electric powered or gas-powered low speed vehicle originally manufactured for use in golf courses. Golf cart is very light weight and compact in size. Features such as availability of radio, windshield, rear seat, and others make it popular across various areas including stadiums, golf course, and hotels. Presently, golf carts are categorized as electric golf cart, gasoline golf cart, and solar golf cart based on technology. This ensures flexibility in terms of usage of different types of golf carts as per availability. The report also covers the golf cart market based on application. The market is categorized into golf course, personal services, and commercial services, and covers the market size as per usage.
  • 全球电动汽车EV变速器市场(2020-2027年)
    Transmission is a component inside the vehicle, which is installed to transfer mechanical power from the engine for spinning the wheels. Electric vehicles are generally installed with single-speed transmission. However, leading players in the electric vehicle (EV) transmission market are launching new multi speed transmission with added features for high performance and efficient energy conversion. Electric vehicles with multi-speed transmission offer better performance than single-speed transmission systems in terms of faster acceleration, top speed, gradeability with driving range, and others.
  • 全球无刷直流电机市场报告(2021-2028年)
    A brushless DC electric motor is a synchronous motor powered by DC charge via a power supply. It produces AC power that drives the respective phase of the motor through a controller of a closed loop. It is also known as a commutated motor. It has a controller, which offers current pulses to windings of the motor to control torque and speed. The factors that make a brushless DC motor advantageous over other motors are electronic control, high power to weight ratio, and high speed. They find their applications in hand-held power tools, computer peripherals, printers, disk drives, and vehicles. Compared to a conventional motor, the brushless DC motors ensures less wear & tear and reduce overall maintenance cost.


  • 电气设备行业:从特斯拉影响力报告看新能源,全面可循环与进化-行业深度报告
    从生产-消费-回收全布局推动能源革命,未来全球新能源可持续闭环可期为减少全球温室气体排放,特斯拉设计与打造一个完整的能源与运输生态系统(Complete energy and transportation ecosystem)。我们认为特斯拉是未来全球新能源可持续循环发展典型,是推动能源革命的旗手,其动向将一定程度上引领未来投资机会;我们重点分析了其在产品力、供应链、创新等方面起到了引领作用。
  • 家电行业:疫情和天气压制需求,渠道对618活动乐观
    疫情和天气压制需求,白电销售仍待复苏。5 月华东地区仍受疫情影响较大,上海周边地区仍有物流不通、无法发货等现象;而受疫情影响较小的西南、华北等地在5 月上旬遭遇了降温,对空调的销售产生了不利影响。空调方面,格力山东区域、美的四川区域五月销售额同比增长5%、2%。冰箱销售额由负转正,本月增速恢复至3%,其中海尔、美的的恢复情况好于行业平均。无锡区域油烟机销售额下滑40%,主要因为无锡离上海较近,且防疫政策为苏南最严。

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