(报告加工时间:2022-02-14 -- 2022-02-27)



  • 全球草坪和花园耗材市场报告(2021-2030年)
    A lawn is an area that is covered with soil, grass, and durable plants, which are sustained at short height using lawn movers. A garden is a well-planned area where ornamental plants, pinnacle plants, bushes, basils, or large trees are grown to maintain a healthy environment. These lawn spaces are used as a play area for kids, outdoor activities, and relaxation purposes, whereas gardens environ home that add aesthetic look to its surroundings. For the purpose of analysis, the report segments the global lawn and garden consumables market based on product type, application, and region. The report outlines the information about various products types such as fertilizers, pesticides, seeds, mulch, and others. The applications covered in the study include residential, commercial, and institutional. Moreover, it analyzes the current market trends of lawn and garden consumables across different regions such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA and suggests the future growth opportunities.
  • 全球花卉行业分析 (2021–2030年)
    Floriculture Market is growing at a moderate pace with substantial growth rates over the last few years and is estimated that the market will grow significantly in the forecasted period i.e. 2021 to 2028. A few of the major driving factors for the growth of the Floriculture Market are the growing demand for the flowers for decorations on various occasions, aesthetic decoration and exchange greetings. There has been a significant impact on the growth of floriculture due to the rapid growth in digitization and E-commerce as they help boosted sale of flowers through various IT systems.
  • 全球功能性宠物食品市场报告(2021-2030年)
    The global functional pet food market is segmented on the basis of pet, source, application, distribution channel, and region. On the basis of pet, the market is categorized into dog, cat, and others. On the basis of source, the market is bifurcated into organic and conventional. By application, it is segregated into bone health, brain health, obesity, heart health, and others. Depending on distribution channel, it is divided into pet stores, pharmacies, veterinary clinics, online stores, and others. Region-wise, it is analyzed across North America (the U.S., Canada, and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, the UK, Italy, Spain, Russia, and Rest of Europe), Asia- Pacific (China, Japan, Australia, India, and Rest of Asia-Pacific), and LAMEA (Brazil, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Rest of LAMEA).
  • 全球甘草提取物市场(2021-2030年)
    Also known as Liquorice, licorice extracts are obtained from roots of licorice pants. The extracts from roots of licorice plants are aromatic flavoring and sweet in nature. These plants are native to North Africa, Western Asia, and southern Europe. Much of the sweetness in licorice extracts comes from the compound named glycyrrhizin having a sweet taste and is around 30-50X sweeter compared to sugar. Licorice is generally grown in Afghanistan, India, China, Italy, Iran, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, and Iraq. It is widely used in pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food & beverage, as well as tobacco industry.
  • 全球农业高光谱成像市场分析与预测(2020-2026年)
    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.S. predicts that the global population is expected to grow by over 30% by 2050, reaching approximately 9.72 billion individuals. For increasing overall food production to cater to the growing population, farmers need to implement advanced precision farming processes that enable them to produce more crops and efficiently. The changeability of the climate require solutions that can deal with all biophysical and useful variables in their complexity. In recent times, remote sensing technologies have evolved exponentially due to continuous technological advancements with the spread of multispectral cameras. Hyperspectral imaging is a technology for developing and analyzing an image of a real scene in order to obtain quantitative information for quality assessment and process control. In hyperspectral imaging, the image is split into tens or hundreds of colors.
  • 全球婴儿配方奶粉成分增长机会
    The research service focuses on key infant formula nutritional ingredients, including protein, carbohydrates, fats and oil, vitamin and mineral, prebiotics, and others. •Revenue figures and forecasts in the study are based on the infant formula ingredient manufacturer’s sales. Revenue is reported in Dollar million and prices are reported in US dollar.


  • 农林牧渔行业:2022年中央一号文件中哪些要点值得关注?
    2 月22 日,《中共中央 国务院关于做好2022 年全面推进乡村振兴重点工作的意见》,即2022 年中央一号文件发布。这是21 世纪以来第19 个指导“三农”工作的中央一号文件。文件共分8个部分,包括:全力抓好粮食生产和重要农产品供给、强化现代农业基础支撑、坚决守住不发生规模性返贫底线、聚焦产业促进乡村发展、扎实稳妥推进乡村建设、突出实效改进乡村治理、加大政策保障和体制机制创新力度、坚持和加强党对“三农”工作的全面领导。
  • 种业行业:乡村振兴接续全面推进,粮食安全及种业振兴持续升温-2022年一号文点评
  • 猪周期再探讨-宏观动态跟踪
    近期猪粮比再次跌入预警区间,相关上市公司股价却高歌猛进,市场对新一轮猪肉价格上涨的时点出现分歧。本文是对猪周期走向的再度探讨,并进一步分析其对宏观经济和资本市场的影响。从农业部公布数据看,自2021 年7月起至2022 年1 月,能繁母猪存栏累计去化了6.9%。由于本轮猪周期存在三元母猪存栏占比较高的特殊情况,我们考虑生产效率的变化,估算实际产能的去化。我们发现,能繁母猪的产能直至2021 年9 月才出现实质性的下滑,截止2022 年1 月的产能去化幅度约2.6%。通过对比发现,经调整后,本轮周期的能繁母猪产能去化节奏快于此前几轮猪周期的缓慢去化阶段,却显著慢于产能加速去化的历史阶段。

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