(报告加工时间:2014-09-01 -- 2014-09-30)



  • 2014年生产资料分析与预测(第六期)
  • 行业月度报告-化工201407
    7月,在微刺激政策下,宏观经济出现回升迹象,化工行业工业增加值增速改善。 1~7月,化工行业增加值同比增长11.0%,增速同比提高0.1个百分点。从主要产品产量看,化肥、合成树脂、化纤产量增速有所回落,橡胶产量增速出现反弹。化工各子行业出厂价格指数继续以升为主,但仍低于100点,化工产品价格继续低于上年同期水平。7月份,随着工业需求回暖,国内化工市场逐步上行,相比去年同期市场活跃性及产品成交价格均大有起色。但是同时,多数化工产品仍面临产能过剩、库存高企等问题,化工产品价格依然处于历史低位。


  • 欧洲低滚动阻力载重子午线轮胎市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Tires are an integral component of automobiles and are manufactured using raw materials such as natural rubber, nylon, tire cord fabric, and carbon black. Rubber chemicals and synthetic rubber, including styrene-butadiene rubber and poly-butadiene rubber, are also used in manufacturing tires. Low rolling resistance tires are essentially green tires and their usage enhances fuel efficiency, vehicle performance, and safety. It also helps to reduce vehicular emissions.
  • 全球聚丙烯泡沫市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Polypropylene foams are engineering plastic materials with unique material properties such as energy absorption, structural strength, thermal insulation, acoustical properties, and chemical inertia; these foams are recyclable and lightweight in nature. Polypropylene foams are manufactured by the catalytic polymerization of propylene. The exclusive properties of this material make it an appropriate material for lightweight, energy management, thermal insulation, and cushioning applications across various industries. Some of the major end-users of polypropylene foams include the Automotive, Packaging, and Consumer Products industries.
  • 全球工程塑料市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Engineering plastics are a class of plastics that have superior properties including high mechanical strength and resistance to heat and chemicals, compared to conventional plastics. These materials are used in a wide range of applications in industries such as Automotive and Transportation, Electrical and Electronics, Packaging, Appliances, and Consumer Goods. They are broadly classified into four types: ABS, fluoropolymers, PA, and PC.


  • 紫外键联马来酸酐表面改性聚丙烯腈超滤膜
  • 高分子材料的阻燃抗静电改性研究进展
    近年来,抗静电高分子材料在现代科学研究中显得异常活跃,2000年的第一个诺贝尔化学奖即授予了在此领域曾做出卓越贡献的3位科学家,以表彰他们在研究导电高分子材料领域的杰出成就,再次显示了社会对该研究领域的关注与重视。 一般的高分子材料都是通过稳定的共价键结合,它们自身不能电离,而且主链结构上很少或没有极性基团[例如聚乙烯(PE),聚丙烯(PP)],因此分子链间存在很大的禁带能。级而使载流子无法自由运动,它们具有非常高的表面电阻和体积电阻[例如PE表面电阻率达1016Ω以上,PP达到1018Ω以上,(丙烯腈.丁二烯,苯乙烯)塑料(ABS)达到。1016Ω以上],是良好的绝缘体。摩擦时塑料会产生静电荷积累,导致吸尘、电子器件击穿,引起集成电路破坏、放电和燃烧等事故,给工业生产和日常生活带来很多麻烦以及经济损失。同时高分子材料具有易燃性,遇火后会发生剧烈燃烧,且燃烧速度较快,同时伴随有大量有毒气体,对社会危害极大。因此,只有不断开发和使用高性能的阻燃抗静电高分子材料,才能够克服静电积累和易燃性对人类社会生活所带来的危害。

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