(报告加工时间:2022-03-28 -- 2022-04-05)



  • 全球RO膜和组件市场报告(2021-2026年)
    Reverse osmosis eliminates contaminants from feed water or unfiltered water when pressure forces it through a semipermeable membrane. Water flows from the more concentrated side (more contaminants) of the RO membrane to the less concentrated side (fewer contaminants) to provide clean drinking water. RO and nanofiltration membranes are usually used as a filtration method to eliminate numerous types of dissolved solids (large molecules and ions) from solutions by smearing pressure to the solution when it is on one side of a selective membrane. RO membranes are generally positioned as crossflow filters, where the high velocity of the wastewater along the filter retains the flow turbulence, which helps control the thickness of the solids on the filter and decreases plugging of the filter.


  • 公用事业行业:开展煤炭中长期合同专项核查,保障发电供热用煤供应-简评报告
    发改委再次召开会议,安排煤炭中长期合同签订履约专项核查。为进一步做好煤炭中长期合同签订履约工作,规范签订行为,签足签实合同,督促严格履约,保障发电供热用煤稳定可靠供应,近日,国家发展改革委再次召开动员部署会,安排近期对各地和中央企业2022 年煤炭中长期合同签订履约情况开展专项核查。
  • 新能源发电行业:能源工作指导意见发布,风光装机目标明确-动态点评
    2022 年清洁能源发电与装机目标基本明确:3 月29 日,国家能源局印发《2022 年能源工作指导意见》(下称“政策”、“《意见》”),《意见》指出2022 年要稳步推进结构转型,煤炭消费比重稳步下降,非化石能源占能源消费总量比重提高到17.3%左右,新增电能替代电量1800 亿kWh 左右,发电量达到9.07 万亿kWh 左右,风电、光伏发电量占全社会用电量的比重达到12.2%左右。据此测算,我们认为,政策有望支撑2022年风光发电量达到1.11 万亿kWh,进一步支撑2022 年风电、光伏新增装机量分别达到50GW、80GW,与中电联先前发布的预期数据基本一致。
  • 电力行业:电力月谈-2022年3月期

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