(报告加工时间:2016-08-08 -- 2016-08-14)



  • 旅游竞争情报-第574期
    某报告显示,全球医疗旅游产业价值已达 4390 亿美元,预计未来十年的年同比增长将达到 25%,据预计,全世界数以万计的人将为了医疗和健康相关治疗而出国。医疗旅游产业在全世界范围内迅速发展,而中国每年有大量的游客去到欧洲、亚洲各国参加以医疗为主、观光为辅的医疗旅游项目。同时,作为一个在医疗和旅游领域存在极大优势的国家,中国具有丰富的资源和广阔的市场,可以说在医疗旅游领域中国有极大的发展潜力。但相较于亚洲其他的医疗旅游产业发达的国家,我国在这一领域仍存在较大的差距。因此,如何快速高效发展成我国医疗旅游业待突破的重点,我国医疗旅游产业发展面临问题和挑战。
  • 交通运输行业:圆通借壳过会,宜坚守低估值板块防御-“交点之周报篇
    1-6 月,交通运输行业固定资产投资累积完成 22376亿元,同比上涨 12.0%,占全部固定资产投资的 8.7%。其中,铁路运输业投资 3040 亿元,同比增长 17.9%;道路运输投资 13683 亿元,同比增长 13.5%。水上运输业投资 1072 亿元,同比增长 4.2%;航空运输业投资额为 956 亿元,同比增长 30.1%;管道运输投资 93 亿元,同比下降 0.3%;仓储投资 2961.361亿元,同比增长 8.8%。
  • 旅游行业:耐心等待,以时间换空间-2016年8月投资策略
  • 行业月度报告-物流201606
    6月,物流活动趋于活跃,物流景气指数上升至 55.5%。社会物流总额增速小幅提高,呈现企稳回升的发展态势。 1~ 6 月,全国社会物流总额为 107.0 万亿元,同比增长 6.2%。 1~ 6 月,我国快递业务规模继续保持高速增长。全国快递服务企业业务量累计完成 132.5 亿件,同比增长 56.7%。 1~ 6 月,物流业景气指数中的物流服务价格指数平均为 50.0%,物流价格整体处于低位运行态势。
  • 物流竞争情报-第612期


  • 全球食品和饮料行业冷链物流市场报告(2016-2020年)
    A cold chain is a type of supply chain that involves the storage and transportation of temperature-sensitive goods. Thermal and refrigerated packaging methods are used to help with the transportation and storage of temperature-sensitive goods; extensive logistics planning ensures the integrity of these goods. A cold chain is a temperaturecontrolled supply chain process used to maintain ideal storage conditions for different products and commodities. It provides temperature-controlled warehouses for surface storage and refrigerated transport vehicles for physical distribution of products at optimal temperatures. It is used widely to store and transport fruits, vegetables, drugs, and medicines without spoilage. Cold storage increases shelf life and maintains product quality. Cold chain service providers also offer various value-added services that improve the efficiency of the supply chain management (SCM) process.
  • 全球包装市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Packaging, in broad terms, refers to the technology of enclosing a product for the purpose of storage, distribution, sale, and use. Containers, in general terms, refer to a package, wrapper, or receptacle in which a product is offered for sale. In this report, we do not include shipping containers, package liners, or any large outer wrapping that is not provided to consumers. Containers and packaging products can be manufactured using a number of raw materials such as metal, plastic, paper, glass, and fiber.
  • 全球刚性批量包装市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Rigid bulk packaging is used in industries including chemicals, pharmaceuticals and healthcare, and food and beverage. It helps in the protected delivery of these goods in large quantities from the point of manufacture to the point of distribution channel, where these are finally packaged for customers. Materials like rigid plastics, steel, and paperboard are used for rigid bulk packaging. This market is characterized by innovative offerings and customizations aligned with customer specifications.
  • 全球冷藏仓库市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Refrigerated warehouses are an important segment of the supply chain that involves the storage of temperature-sensitive goods. Refrigerated storage helps in the storage of perishable goods during the flow of the cold chain supply. The increase in international trade has increased the need for the storage of food products from the producers to end-users in distant markets. The market has witnessed an evolutionary change over the last few years. It has shifted from mere storage of food products in cold storage warehouses and their refrigerated transportation to the provision of valueadded services to customers. Some of these value-added services include disaster recovery services, specialized services for specific customers.

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