(报告加工时间:2021-03-22 -- 2021-04-05)


  • 全球石墨烯市场(2020-2027年)
    Graphene, the first 2-D carbon material in the world, also known as the "wonder material," is well suited for many applications. Graphene is resistant to fire, an effective conductor, extremely versatile and 200 times stronger than steel and a substance of ultra-lightness. In addition, graphene is regarded in the chemical industry as an effective catalyst because of its properties such as high surface area and adsorption power. Growing demand for chemicals worldwide is expected to increase graphene demand and thus, drive the growth of the global graphene industry.
  • 全球石墨烯复合材料市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Graphene composites feature superior mechanical properties, electrical, optical, dimensional stability with high temperature, along with impact, and flame resistance. Graphene can also be mixed with polymers, metals, and others, to develop composites that are resistant to extreme temperature, conductive, and others. For instance, inclusion of graphene with rubber enhances its conductivity, impermeability, and strength. The major applications of graphene composites are engineering materials for aerospace, renewables, and others. The report focuses on various product types of graphene composites such as polymer based, metal based, ceramic based, and others. Furthermore, the different applications are also analyzed in the study. These include sports & wearable goods, aerospace & defense, automotive, building & construction, energy storage & generation, and others.


  • 煤炭行业:量价双升盈利增长,龙头长期受益碳中和
    量价双升确定,煤炭行业上半年盈利同比均将大增。行业十四五格局向好,大型企业 长期受益碳中和。焦炭段短期面临需求压力,中长期逻辑未变。量价双升确定,上半年盈利同比均将大增。行业十四五格局向好,大型企业长期受益碳中和。焦炭段短期面临需求压力,中长期逻辑未变,行业仍面临大变局。
  • 化工行业:石油公司逐渐加大对新能源的布局
  • 能源化工行业:短期需求复苏不确定性压制油价,仍看好后续油价表现-国际油价点评
    近期欧洲疫情反复导致油价大幅下跌,但我们仍坚定看好后疫情时代需求持续 增长背景下,供应端短期主动减产和长期被动收紧推动油价持续回升。疫情反复带来的需求端不确定性压制短期油价表现。当前油价继续快速上行的可能性较小,但需求复苏和弱美元预期在可预见的未 来 1-2 年仍将为油价提供支撑。供应端短期和长期逻辑整体利好油价回升,但需关注中期不确定性。
  • 石油加工行业:每周炼化,油价带动聚酯回调!-数据点评
    PX:市场先涨后跌。成本端,本周原油价格先涨后跌,前期原油价格上涨带动PX 价格走高,此后,随着原油价格回调,PX 市场失去成本端支撑。需求端,下游PTA 市场开工整体上涨,对PX 需求小幅增加,然而此后PTA 市场或将迎来集中检修,需求涨势难以持续。整体来看,周内PX 价格受国际原油价格波动影响较大,且需求端无明显利好信号,PX 市场供需难以维持去库状态,价格小幅回落。目前,PX CFR 中国主港价格在836(与上周相比,-9)美元/吨,PX 与原油价差在374(+37)美元/吨,PX 与石脑油价差在216(+17)美元/吨。

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