(报告加工时间:2016-11-21 -- 2016-11-27)


  • 工程机械行业:市场修复加快-周报
    工程机械单月销量近三个月维持高增长,其中 8、9月单月销量同比增速分别为 44.9%和 71.4%,1-9 月累计销量同比增长12.8%。以房地产和基础设施建为代表的固定资产投资是工程机械最重要的下游。今年 1-9 月固定资产投资新开工计划总投资额同比增速为 22.6%,去年同期的数据为 5.5%,该数据的大幅提高,表明了下游对工程机械的需求在加大。
  • 工程机械行业:继续回暖,3C自动化产业明年有望迎来订单高峰-研究周报
    本周市场创出近期新高,上证综指上涨 2.26%,沪深 300指数上涨 1.88%,机械板块上涨 2.31%。美国大选的尘埃落定、国内政策支持和人民币贬值等因素将推动“一带一路”进一步加速,更多的重大项目将实现落地,轨道交通板块推荐关注中国中车;基建类板块重点关注中国中铁、中国铁建和中铁二局;工程机械类重点关注业绩改善明显的徐工机械、三一重工、山推股份,以及受益一带一路、业绩弹性强的柳工、厦工股份等。


  • 全球电动工具市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Power tools are used to create products with increased ease and convenience. The types of power tools include engine-driven power tools, electric power tools, and pneumatic power tools. Engine-driven power tools require steam engines to operate and are used by both professionals and individuals to cut hedges and wood. The power source for pneumatic power tool is compressed air from air compressors, which helps the tool to function effectively.
  • 印度电磁炉市场报告(2016-2020年)
    An induction cooktop uses a magnetic field to excite the molecules in cookware, thereby generating heat. While the cookware gets heated, the glass top and the air surrounding the vessel does not. This makes an induction cooktop a safer and more energy-efficient option compared to a gas cooktop. Induction cooktops, also known as induction hobs, are more versatile and allow quick and controlled heating when compared to traditional gas cooktops. The induction cooktop market in India is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.87% during the forecast period.
  • 全球3D打印材料市场报告(2016-2020年)
    3D printing is a technique in which a scanned or digitally designed object is formed into a three-dimensional solid using an additive process. In this process, metal is applied in successive layers with less wastage. 3D printing products can be built from materials in which plastic and metals are the most commonly used materials.

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