(报告加工时间:2014-03-17 -- 2014-05-18)



  • 行业月度报告——轻工(2014年2月)
    2014年2月,虽然经济增长放缓给轻工行业带来不利影响,但行业仍然在大力拓展国内外消费市场,积极推进产业转型升级的基础上,总体保持平稳运行。与此同时,轻工行业进出口额整体保持稳定,行业经济运行质量总体有所改善,但细分行业差异化明显。 行业未来发展在保持行业稳定增长的前提下,将集中在产业结构优化上,而消费升级、城镇化进程加快、社会消费水平的提升则给行业发展提供了稳固的需求基础,预计2014年轻工行业规模以上企业产品销售收入将达到23万亿元,同比增长14%左右。
  • 我国丁苯橡胶的市场分析
  • 2014年生产资料分析与预测(第二期)
    今年1-2 月份,受季节性因素影响,主要宏观经济指标普遍不理想。工业增加值增速受投资需求和净出口回落影响大幅回落,固定资产投资增速受基建和制造业投资放缓影响继续下滑,社会消费品零售总额名义增速低于预期。此外,制造业PMI 指数连续三个月回落,新订单指数回落至低位,产成品库存指数上升,显示一季度经济运行平缓。具体到生产资料流通行业来看,今年春节临近1 月末,市场多数商家在1 月中旬就进入放假状态,到2 月中旬才陆续返岗。因此,1-2月份需求相对偏弱,库存消耗速度下降,市场价格大幅下跌,企业效益仍未有明显好转。目前经济运行的积极因素正在开始显现,如进入3 月份,市场逐渐启动,企业陆续恢复开工;服务业已经出现明显回升;世界经济整体发展势头良好,后期经济运行保持平稳仍有基础条件。


  • 全球塑料添加剂市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Plastic additives are chemical substances added to a polymeric compound to process, modify, or provide plastics with specific properties to make them more useful. Plastic additives make plastic safer, cleaner, tougher, and colorful. The various types of plastic additives include property modifiers, property extenders, property stabilizers, and processing aids.
  • 全球赛车轮胎市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Racing tires are customized, high-quality expensive tires intended for use on competitive race courses. These tires are designed to deliver better speed, superior road grip, traction, and safety and they undergo many tests for quality, durability, and speed. Racing tires help cars and motorbikes to maximize performance and acceleration. The Global Racing Tire market is growing at a steady pace and is expected to post a CAGR of 8.6 percent during the period 2013-2018. The sales of racing tires have gained momentum with a rise in the number and type of automotive racing competitions. Competitive racing has also gained in popularity in emerging economies, a crucial factor that is expected to drive market growth in the coming years. The highly competitive Global Racing Tire market was led by the EMEA region in 2013, followed by the Americas and the APAC region.
  • 全球特种轮胎市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Tires, which constitute one of the integral components of a vehicle, are manufactured using raw materials such as natural or synthetic rubber including styrene-butadiene rubber and polybutadiene rubber, nylon tire cord fabric, and carbon black. Specialty tires are designed for specific weather conditions or specific vehicles. These tires are used in aircraft, two-wheelers, agricultural equipment, and various other OTR vehicles and equipment such as mining, construction, earthmoving, and industrial equipment. The demand for these tires is increasing significantly mainly because of the improving economy of developing economies that also increases people's purchasing power. The Global Specialty Tire market is currently growing at a steady pace and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.61 percent during the period 2013-2018. The production of two-wheeler tires has gained momentum, and the demand for OTR tires and aircraft tires is also expected to increase during the forecast period. The market is dominated by the APAC region, followed by the Americas and then the EMEA region.
  • 全球农业轮胎市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Tires are an integral component of automobiles and are manufactured using raw materials such as natural rubber, nylon tire cord fabric, and carbon black. Rubber chemicals and synthetic rubber, including styrene-butadiene rubber and poly-butadiene rubber, are also used in manufacturing tires. Agriculture tires are used in different agriculture vehicles and equipment such as tractors, sowers, and harvesters. The use of advanced equipment has had a significant improvement on crop yield and hence, is leading to cultivators and farmers increasingly using agriculture vehicles and equipment.
  • 全球顶级轮胎市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Tires, which constitute one of the integral components of an automobile, are manufactured using raw materials such as natural or synthetic rubber including styrene-butadiene rubber and poly-butadiene rubber, nylon tire cord fabric, and carbon black. Premium tires are high-cost tires that deliver high performance for which they undergo various quality, durability, and speed tests. Premium tires are mainly used in premium-class automobiles as they deliver improved performance, fuel efficiency, and ride quality. The Global Premium Tire market is currently growing at a good pace and is expected to post a CAGR of 9.72 percent during the period 2013-2018. Premium tires, recently, gained momentum because of growing demand for premium automobiles, which is expected to increase during the forecast period. The market is highly competitive and is led by the EMEA region, followed by the Americas and the APAC region.

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