(报告加工时间:2020-09-21 -- 2020-11-15)



  • 全球暖通空调服务市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) services market includes the different services provided to the end users by the OEMs and other regional players. The services primarily include installation, maintenance, and repair. The HVAC services market has a direct correlation with the HVAC equipment market. Any fluctuations in the demand for the equipment are expected to impact the services market’s growth. For instance, higher demand for new equipment leads to higher installation or retrofitting services. HVAC companies offer a variety of services for, both, non-commercial and commercial property owners. These services are not focusing on improving the performance of the equipment, but also on potentially reducing energy costs. The significant increase in the number of construction activities, especially in major emerging economies, and the growing end-user markets, like the data center market, are driving the growth of the market studied. Some of the benefits of adopting HVAC systems include energy efficiency and improved results and lifespan. According to British Petroleum (BP) PLC, China is the largest consumer of primary energy in the world, using about 3.3 million metric ton of oil equivalent in 2018.


  • 物业管理行业:穿越疫情周期,盛放行业价值-2020半年报综述
    我们对A 股和港股合计28 家物业管理上市公司2020 半年报进行了全面梳理。疫情之下物管公司服务价值得到凸显,营收量质齐升,高成长+稳定性特点鲜明,积极布局城市服务等非住宅业态和美居、家政等业主增值服务,提升长期增长韧性。A 股方面我们推荐招商积余、新大正。
  • 检测服务行业:Q2报表修复,经营弹性显现,优质公司亮点各异,未来成长可期
    疫情拖累经营,受业务布局、区域分布、下游行业需求趋势以及自身战略影 响,检测公司营收增速表现各异。2020H1,检测服务板块实现营业收入 53.5 亿元,同比增长 10.5%,纳入统计的 8 家检测服务类上市公司中除苏试试验、 中国汽研营收呈现高速增长趋势,华测检测营收同比微增外,其他公司营收均 出现-15%~0%的不同程度下滑。

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