(报告加工时间:2021-03-01 -- 2021-03-07)



  • 全球智能停车市场报告(2020-2027年)
    A smart parking system typically obtains information about available parking spaces in a particular geographic area or in residential areas and process is real-time to place vehicles at available positions. For the operation of the smart parking the system involves low-cost sensors, real-time data collection, and smart phone enabled automated payment systems. This combination allows people to reserve parking in advance and predicts the parking space location. This system is deployed to reduce car emissions in urban centers and is helpful for people searching a vehicle parking across the city. The smart parking system implies the M2M technologies to properly manage parking supply and also helps one of the biggest problems on driving in urban areas, i.e., finding empty parking spaces and controlling illegal parking. Increased parking concern, growth in demand for IoT-based technology, and surge in number of vehicles that leads to traffic congestion are the factors expected to drive the smart parking market growth during the forecast period. However, high implementation cost and configuration complexity restrain the market growth.
  • 安全无缝的旅行者之旅全球指南
    Travellers create a single digital identity containing their biographic data and any additional information required for identity establishment and verification. This is used across all stakeholders, public and private, in the traveller’s journey Allow travellers to enrol early in the traveller journey, so they can use their digital identity across the end-to-end journey Digital identity management is done in a decentralized manner, where the traveller maintains and controls access to their data Traveller’s digital identity data is governed by a globally agreed-upon set of standards, allowing for interoperability across governments and all sectors of the Travel & Tourism sector Privacy standards are continually developed and enhanced with guidelines to ensure they are of the highest quality


  • 社会服务行业:节后需求快速回升主推疫情复苏主线,关注低估值、业绩改善标的
    本周(02.22-02.28)申万休闲服务指数和商业贸易指数分别相对于沪深300 变动-5.25%、5.66%。申万休闲服务指数(801210)下跌12.90%,申万商业贸易指数(801200)指数下跌1.99%,在申万28 个一级行业指数涨幅排行榜中,休闲服务和商业贸易排在第27 位和第8 位。休闲服务个股方面,本周涨幅较大的个股为:大连圣亚(+17.80%)、西藏旅游(+11.23%)、华天酒店(+8.33%);本周跌幅较大的个股为:中国中免(-17.21%)、科锐国际(-7.64%)、锦江酒店(-8.65%)。商贸零售个股方面,本周涨跌幅较大的个股为:爱婴室(+12.55%)、天虹股份(+11.87%)、潮宏基(+11.84%);本周跌幅较大的个股为: 安克创新(-14.69%)、百联股份(-13.62%)、南极电商(-8.24%)。
  • 商业贸易行业:重点零售餐饮企业春节销售额较19年增长4.9%,抖音内测到店团购
    展望2021 年,可选消费的持续复苏有望成为全年消费市场的主旋律,尤其是2021H1 在前期低基数下,可选消费的增速有望进一步提升,同时疫情加速消费业态的变迁发展,直播、社区团购等新兴模式成长空间大。建议重点把握消费复苏大趋势,关注中长期增长逻辑稳健赛道、以及高成长的新业态。
  • 社会服务行业:顺周期复苏板块表现亮眼_,去年国内游市场实现U型复苏,疫苗有效利好国际旅游
    上周(2021.02.22-2021.02.26)行情回顾:上证指数下跌5.06%,报收3,509.08,录得一年之内最差单周表现。沪深300 下跌7.65%,报收5,336.76。创业板指数下跌11.30%,报收2,914.11,创2016 年以来最大单周跌幅。休闲服务板块下跌12.9%,在申万一级28 个行业中排名倒数第二,休闲服务行业跑输沪深300 指数5.25pcts。上周顺周期复苏板块表现亮眼,旅游综合板块受到中国中免(-17.21%)拖累跌幅居前。涨跌幅由高到低分别为:景点(4.26%),餐饮(-0.39%),酒店(-5.59%),其他休闲服务(-6.48%),旅游综合(-16.06%)。2021 年春节旅游收入复苏至疫情前约六成水平,短途、近郊、“宅酒店”获得青睐;国内外疫苗接种利好国际旅游复苏预期。
  • 商社行业:酒店业回暖与格局变化并进,稳就业背景下关注人服行业机会
    上周上证综指收于3509.08 点,周跌幅3.50%;深证成指收于14507.45 点,周跌幅4.83%;中信消费者服务指数收于15494.34,周跌幅5.79%;中信商贸零售指数3891.92,周跌幅-2.24%。上周社会服务各子板块涨跌幅依次为:景点4.26%、餐饮-0.39%、酒店-5.59%、其他休闲服务-6.48%、旅游综合-16.06%。上周商贸零售各子板块涨跌幅依次为:一般物业经营2.47%、贸易1.74%、百货-0.62%、专业市场-1.04%、超市-3.28%、多业态零售-3.47%、专业连锁-4.72%。

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