(报告加工时间:2024-12-02 -- 2025-01-01)


  • 合成生物行业:2024年中国甾体药物中间体原料药行业概览-头豹研究院
    伴随中国居民对于慢病重疾管理意识的提升,加之炎症、自身免疫性疾病、呼吸系统疾病和肿瘤等疾病负担持续上行,本土市场对于甾体中间体原料药的需求 不断上涨,由此引发政策重点关注激素类药物的绿色生产和用药安全问题。本土科研端以临床诊疗需求为抓手持续发力,运动医学理念的普及和抗衰老意识的 增强促使科研机构相继布局对于雄激素的研发探索,为满足药品生产需求,以睾酮为代表的雄激素中间体研究成果增速显著。同时优质的抗炎和免疫系统调节 作用以及重大公共卫生事件的诊疗需求共同驱动皮质激素原料药和中间体的研发生产增加,坚实的科研成果支撑中国逐步成为全球甾体药物中间体和原料药的 主要产地,本土厂商全球影响力提升指日可待。


  • 全球生物识别 POS 终端市场预测报告(2024-2028年)
    Biometric POS terminals comprise point-of-sale (POS) devices that use biometrics-based data like fingerprints, retina scans, or even facial recognition to authenticate the identity of a customer or employee. These terminals replace PINs or passwords to verify the identity of the individual. Biometric POS terminals are often used to prevent fraud and theft or in key industries where security is critical. The retail, medical and healthcare, food service (restaurants), financial, logistics, government, and entertainment industries are some of the major end-users of biometric POS terminals.
  • 全球家庭护理成分市场展望预测(2023-2028年)
    cleaning roducts ave eco e art and arcel o a consu er’s life. Consumer awareness is also growing every year, which is why manufacturers are focusing on elevating the quality of cleaning products with the best possible environmental conditions. Today's consumer is not just concerned about maintaining hygiene or cleanliness at a personal level but is also keen on reducing the chances of infections in his/her surroundings. So, to fulfill the hygiene needs at home as well as at commercial places, different ingredients are used in cleaning products.
  • 全球实验室玻璃器皿清洗机市场展望预测(2023-2028年)
    Laboratory glassware stands as a cornerstone of scientific research, experimentation, and analysis. Its crucial role in maintaining precision, accuracy, and reliability within diverse industries highlights its significance in advancing knowledge and technological progress. The laboratory glassware market, driven by an amalgamation of scientific advances, evolving research needs, and technological innovation, is a vital enabler of breakthroughs and discoveries across various sectors.


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