(报告加工时间:2020-07-27 -- 2020-08-02)


  • 全球杀菌剂市场报告(2020-2027年)
    The report provides an in-depth analysis of fungicides consumption in different types of crops such as cereal &grains, oilseed &pulses, fruits &vegetables, and others. It also provides the production of different types of fungicides such as dithiocarbamates, benzimidazoles, chloronitriles, triazoles, phenylamides, strobilurins, and others. The other fungicides include morpholines and anilinopyrimidines. The market analysis and estimations are done in terms of revenue and volume of the fungicides. The report provides information on revenues and volume of production for all geographies, types of fungicides, and types of crops. The revenue of global fungicides includes the revenues of synthetic fungicides and biofungicides.
  • 全球杀菌剂市场报告(2020-2027年 )
    Biocides are products or chemicals that combat pests or microorganisms. These are generally used to control and kill harmful and unwanted organisms such as mold, bacteria, algae, insects, and rodents. Biocides represent various products such as disinfectants, wood preservatives, rodenticides, antifouling agents (on boats), in-can preservatives, used in homes, public places such as hospitals, and industries. Biocide preservation applications are leading the market, accounting for the largest consumption of specialty biocides in both volume and value terms. Despite regulatory pressures, reducing the number of biocides depending on their concentrations in end products, blends of carefully selected biocidal active substances in optimal ratios, coupled with new technical advancements can provide improved preservation solutions without the need for cautionary labeling.


  • 农林牧渔行业:洪涝灾害对农业生产影响几何?
    6 月我国降雨量超30 年平均水平,或对农业生产产生影响;洪涝灾害是对农业生产影响最大的两类灾害之一,多在6-8 月份在主要七大江河的中、下游平原发生,我们统计了近30 年数据,特大水灾共发生两次,分别在1991、1998 年,重大水灾共发生5 次,分别在1993、1994、1996、2003、2010 年。6 月全国平均降水量比上年同期偏多14.2 毫米,较常年同期偏多14.1 毫米,据不完全统计6 月至今我国六大流域的9 条主要江河共发生6 次编号洪水,江淮、江汉大部、江南北部和四川盆地东部出现持续低温阴雨寡照和强降雨天气,主要影响水稻及旱地作物的生长发育。
  • 饲料行业:“十问十答,透过成都宠博会看行业变化-宠物系列研究之二
  • 农林牧渔行业:关注养猪板块业绩兑现及估值修复
    农业板块跑赢大盘。1)本期沪深300 指数下跌4.39%,农业板块上涨1.05%,在28 个子行业中排名第2 位;2)本周养猪板块分化,牧原股份、天邦股份、唐人神上涨,所有标的超额收益为正;饲料板块仅傲农生物下跌且超额收益为负,其余标的均上涨;养鸡板块仅圣农发展上涨,下跌标的中仙坛股份、立华股份获正超额收益;动保板块海利生物、天康生物上涨,下跌标的中生物股份、中牧股份超额收益为正;种植板块仅北大荒、亚盛集团下跌,所有标的获正超额收益;种子板块仅荃银高科上涨,除隆平高科外超额收益均为正。
  • 农业行业:继续看好生猪链&农业消费品化
    猪价将继续修正之前悲观预期,关注生猪板块。当前,我们认为对生猪板块应该更加乐观,从供给端来看:1)南方降雨继续增多,非瘟防控压力增大,生猪养殖高盈利持续时间拉长确定性增高,板块成长性凸显,板块有望迎来估值重塑;2)此外强降雨对生猪生产及产品调运产生了一定的影响;3)新冠疫情全球肆虐,我国严控进口肉食,预计在近两个月内,我国猪肉进口量或将大幅减少,影响供给量。从消费方面看,随着国内新冠肺炎疫情得到有效控制,猪肉消费潜力得到充分释放,预计后期餐饮业猪肉消费仍将保持增长势头;此外,每年 6-9 月份猪肉价格都会出现季节性上涨,2020 年叠加新冠肺炎疫情得到有效控制后的消费增长,利好猪价。

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