(报告加工时间:2016-09-18 -- 2016-10-30)


  • 全球隔膜泵市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Diaphragm pumps are categorized as positive displacement pumps that are used mainly in industrial applications, which involve pumping and lifting of heavy fluids, such as sludge, slurry, or mud. Sludge is a semi-solid slurry that is produced following the treatment of wastewater treatment or as a settled suspension from numerous industrial process. Industrial wastewater, also termed as sludge, is generated from biological or physical processes. Sludge and slurry cause a lot of problems for any industry, especially when the process needs to be continuous and any downtime will interrupt the entire process.
  • 全球工业涡轮增压器市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Efficiency and power of an engine or motor dictate the overall functioning of the machine. The engine output is determined by the amount of air and fuel entering the internal combustion engine under high pressure. A turbocharger is an example of a forced induction system as it supplies high pressurized exhaust gas to the engine, making more air available for combustion. This augments the functioning capacity of the engine up to four times and turbochargers usually contribute to nearly 75% of the engine’s power.
  • 全球工业烘干机市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Drying is a unit operation wherein a liquid is removed from a solid by other than mechanical means. Drying uses heat to evaporate the water content from various materials with the help of dryers. Industrial dryers are used to reduce moisture efficiently from large quantities of bulk materials. The principle involved in drying is the drawing of moisture from the interior of individual particles to the surface. This moisture on the surface is then evaporated. Industrial dryers are constructed depending on the type and quantity of material to be processed.


  • 通用设备行业:三季报环比大幅回暖,PPP万亿资金助推环保设备行业快速发展-研究周报
    本周市场小幅上涨,上证综指上涨1.97%,沪深300 指数上涨1.62%,机械板块跑赢大盘,上涨4.16%。机械行业进入三季报窗口期,按业绩预告发布情况看超预期企业数量不多,预计短期内板块仍然较难出现单边向上的趋势,细分行业也将是各个板块轮动,难以出现一枝独秀的板块,但从年度同比盈利能力来看,行业在连续4 年下滑后首次出现增长,环比季度也在2 季度基础上大幅回暖。机械板块对高估值成长股应把握超跌优质成长股持续反弹机会或下游有确定需求的防御性品种,重点关注包括轨交产业链、物流仓储及冷链物流设备、环保装备,以及受益油价反弹的油气油服装备。
  • 通用设备行业:十五年歧视性条款终点将至,设备出口有望受益
    收购无锡中鼎具备较强技术研发与客户资源优势。无锡中鼎主营智能化物流设备及相关系统集成,核心设备如堆垛机、非标货架等由公司自产,建立起较强竞争优势。凭借行业经验与研发实力,公司提前布局冷链、锂电等特殊行业的物流自动化解决方案,取得先发优势。深耕行业为中鼎积累了广泛的客户资源,其中不乏优质企业如双汇、三全、比亚迪、LG 化学等,客户范围涵盖了冷链、新能源、汽车、医药、食品等众多行业。

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