(报告加工时间:2024-01-29 -- 2024-03-04)



  • 全球手推车市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Trolleys are used in industrial, airports, hospitality, and other applications to move goods from one place to another. Vendors manufacture different types of trolleys depending on the needs of the target industry.
  • 全球飞机轮胎市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Tires are an integral part of an aircraft and are produced using various components such as synthetic rubber or natural rubber, with addition to carbon black and nylon tire cord fabric. The durability of aircraft tires depends on the aircraft models (endurance varies between 30-200 landings). However, by introduction of new-generation radial tires, the events of tire wear out are expected to decline.
  • 全球直升机场照明市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Heliport lighting refers to a specialized lighting system designed to provide illumination and guidance for helicopter operations at heliports. It consists of various components, including elevated perimeter lights, approach lights, landing area lights, touchdown, lift-off area lights (TLOF), and wind indicator lights. These lights assist pilots in locating and safely navigating the heliport, especially during low-light conditions or at night. They help outline the heliport boundaries, guide the approach and landing phases, highlight the touchdown and lift-off areas, and provide information about wind direction and intensity.
  • 全球近海供应船市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Offshore supply vessel is known for providing support services such as the transportation of drilling equipment, manpower, and technical reinforcement, besides helping in terms of anchorage and tugging to offshore drilling rigs, pipe laying, and oil manufacturing platforms used in the production and exploration activities. The global offshore supply vessel market facilitates and supports the transportation and other activities at the oil and gas drilling and exploration sites.
  • 全球火车防撞系统市场报告(2024-2028年)
    The train collision avoidance system (TCAS) offers a warning or situational awareness that is specifically designed to prevent train collisions. Such systems are also extensively used in the mining and automotive sectors, apart from the railways sector, to avoid accidents caused by collisions. These are not specific to train mounting and can be deployed on railway tracks, crossings, and track-changing junctions.
  • 全球机上娱乐系统市场报告(2024-2028年)
    The IFE (in-flight entertainment) system is introduced to enhance customer comfort and experience. IFE systems include in-flight connectivity, email, social media, on-demand video and audio, music libraries, online commerce, games, stored web content, smart card, battery, and information services. The technology includes moving map systems, audio and video entertainment, personal televisions, and in-flight movies. Furthermore, connectivity services include satellite and internal telephony, data communication, and Wi-Fi.
  • 全球商用飞机电池管理系统市场报告(2024-2028年)
    A commercial aircraft battery management system is a critical component in aviation that is responsible for managing and monitoring the health and performance of the batteries used in aircraft. These batteries serve various essential functions in commercial aircraft, such as providing backup power, emergency power for critical systems, and powering auxiliary equipment on the ground.
  • 全球建筑自卸车市场报告(2023-2027年)
    A construction dumper is defined as the medium used to transport loose materials such as sand, gravel, and aggregates for construction purposes. A construction dumper is equipped with an open bed box at the rear end of the dump truck. It also has a hydraulic piston, which lifts the hauler or trailer to dump the required material on the ground.
  • 全球军用无人机 (UAV) 市场燃料电池报告(2024-2028年)
    A fuel cell is a device that converts chemical energy to electrical energy in the presence of an electrolyte. It has two electrodes - an anode and a cathode, which facilitate the movement of positively and negatively charged ions to produce water and heat as by-products. Therefore, defense agencies are inclined toward fuel cell technology for their military aircraft (manned and unmanned).
  • 全球直升机市场报告(2024-2028年)
    A helicopter is a type of aircraft that uses rotating wings to fly. It can take off or land vertically, hover, and fly backward, forward, and laterally. These attributes allow its application in isolated or congested areas where vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) cannot be performed by fixed-wing aircraft.


  • 造船产能紧张持续,1月船价指数稳中有增
    新造船价:2024年1月主要受散货船和集装箱船推动,克拉克森新造船船价指数环比+2.80点,至181.16点;中国新造船指数环比+4点,达1070 点,集装箱/散货船环比小幅上涨,油轮涨幅较大;2023Q4中国造船厂利用检测指数大幅增长至894点,创2020年来新高。

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